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SuperstitiousPigeon5 t1_j8y2t08 wrote

5 wounded soldiers, all stable for one dead ISIS leader.

Not a great butchers bill.


Fuzzyphilosopher t1_j91ar0a wrote

A commander responsible organizing and planning the deaths of how many hundreds or more? Causing fear and suffering throughout the region.

I'm not minimizing our casualties. I live near an army base that's home to a lot of special operations people. My first thought was a worry for a friend. Or his friends. I've seen what TBI's can do people walking around on an artificial leg when I just go to get groceries.

I don't appreciate you that last line of yours though. it sounds flippant and disrespectful. And as I've pointed out ignores how much death and maiming he was responsible for.


Paulinapeak1 t1_j8z47pd wrote

4 people and a dog injured. All stable, one of them (human) back in action.


powersv2 t1_j8zn0j7 wrote

Hope they retain full use of their limbs and extremities.


TBSchemer t1_j8z38p0 wrote

No! Not the service dog!


jflatt2 t1_j8zjvqo wrote

They never should have let Rufus fly the helicopter


hotpuck6 t1_j8zor0m wrote

Yeah, but that Insta pic was totally worth it.


UniversalMomentum t1_j918or8 wrote

Man you know.. in this Day and age I would be using anything but helicopters


neildegrasstokem t1_j92kh0y wrote

You should see the replacement they got coming for the Blackhawk. Pretty impressive stuff


TheThirdDumpling t1_j8ynyha wrote

Only helicopters to Syria should be the ones dropping aids right now.


ThisIsNotWorkingOut t1_j8ypmrv wrote

I think giving them AIDS might be a bit too much.


Adaptedmonkey t1_j8yscef wrote

They are already dealing with war tuberculosis covid yellow fever we shouldn’t do AIDS drops in Syria as well


Kewkky t1_j8z6j8p wrote

Terbuculous... interesting disease name


usedtodreddit t1_j8yu70g wrote

Hamza al-Homsi's ISIS is responsible for keeping aid groups from getting to victims, among other atrocities.


coldblade2000 t1_j8yx5bt wrote

> should be the ones dropping aids right now

What exactly makes you think ISIS is keen on receiving western aid and delivering it to the rightful destinations?