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Nick_crawler t1_jcffoqg wrote

Why does this article not include a picture of the cute tiny backpack?


Thor4269 t1_jcfh4ur wrote

This article has a picture from one of them (think the first time)


Nick_crawler t1_jcfhzvg wrote

Appreciated, but I hope the second time actually put in the effort to make little straps instead of tape. I think the pigeons would appreciate looking more fashionable.


birdlawprofessor t1_jcfxoq3 wrote

But the backpack does have tiny shoulder straps. They’re just tucked under his feathers so hard to see. Taping drugs to birds is a horribly inefficient way to traffic narcotics. Ask me how I know…


[deleted] t1_jcg4wju wrote



ICBanMI t1_jcidwez wrote

That person has a PHD in Birdtapologigy. They are also wanted in 9 states for animal cruelty for taping birds to furniture, houses, buildings, and just about any other large object. They have indisputability proved that a pigeon can not be use as a pack animal, construction equipment, and wall dressing.


mces97 t1_jci20rd wrote

Well I won't ask, but for large scale operations sure. For a tiny amount to get into a prison? I'm not in support of drugs being flown into prison, but I gotta give credit for ingenuity.


hsizeoj t1_jci0u2f wrote

I was also saddened by the backpack. Idk why I was expecting tiny jansports


Upbeat-Bandicoot4130 t1_jcfuk31 wrote

“customs officials already knew pigeons were being used to smuggle drugs, but this was the first time they had caught a bird in the act.”

Trained by Roadrunner and Wiley E. Coyote.


teplightyear t1_jcjepqr wrote

>In December, a pigeon wearing a backpack carrying crystal meth was found in the yard at Pacific Institution. Both pigeons were later released.

They mention in the article that the pigeon will just fly to its home base if they release it... then they just release it. It's STILL a viable smuggler for the prisoners. Hell, there's no way to no if it's actually two pigeons. They may have just caught the same pigeon twice and released it twice. Top security at this prison.


Zkenny13 t1_jcjh5cn wrote

What are they supposed to do? It's likely the person doing it has to come to retrieve the pigeon so it would be easier to catch them.


teplightyear t1_jcjhecv wrote

I've got a feeling this isn't going to go over well, but you have to put the pigeon down. That's what happens to animals when stupid humans train them to do inappropriate shit or otherwise interfere with their wild existence. There's no chance of us making pigeons extinct from putting down every pigeon that's being used as a drug mule for prisons, I'm quite certain. Otherwise, they're probably not going to catch the pigeon every single time, and drugs are going to get into the prison.


Zkenny13 t1_jcjhz8f wrote

I don't think you understand. That pigeon doesn't take drugs out of the prison it takes them in. It will only fly back to the prison if it is taken away from it. If it isn't taken away from the prison it won't be used to smuggle drugs.


teplightyear t1_jcji4hc wrote

I do understand... I don't think you understand THAT WAS ALWAYS THE PLAN. They smuggle the pigeon OUT of the prison by whatever means they have, then it gets loaded full of drugs and flies back into the prison. If the guards catch it and release the damn thing, it flies back to the prison and they can smuggle it out to load up with drugs again. This will continue happening for as long as the pigeon is alive. If you don't kill the pigeon, now you're playing pigeon games forever.


schwatto t1_jck2urg wrote

Why don’t they just follow the pigeon to the home base and catch the drug dealer that way?


teplightyear t1_jcl45v4 wrote

They already caught the pigeon at the home base. The home base is the prison.


Impeachykeene t1_jcgep9y wrote

Thanks for the pic. I was hoping for something a little more Jansport-y.


Ksh_667 t1_jcgtwn5 wrote

I think Adidas will see a marketing opportunity here.


JackedUpReadyToGo t1_jchcaho wrote

They blended it in really well with the pigeon's natural colors. Though the edges could have been lightened up a touch. I'm guessing they don't tailor the paint job to the individual bird.


[deleted] t1_jcgcb9b wrote



Thor4269 t1_jcgdk88 wrote

Meant the first time they caught a pigeon with a backpack... But apparently it happens a lot

Anyway, they wanted a pic so location is less relevant than the method and an example of the backpacks used


alias241 t1_jckqo5b wrote

the second photo where the pigeon is chilling on the desk and laying plops is so cute.


Chardradio t1_jcgeugk wrote

It says homemade, but I'll bet it was an Osprey pack.


doc_willis t1_jcfgsn6 wrote

> wearing homemade smuggling backpack

So there are commercially made backpacks I can buy for my family of pigeons? That would be such a timesaver for me!

school is starting up soon, so I need to get them all ready with tiny backpacks, and little pencils and tiny little rain boots for bad weather.

and where can I get tiny brown bags to hold their tiny lunches?



Ksh_667 t1_jcgu7y5 wrote

Gotta make sure they have the right gear. Young pigeons are under such pressure these days to have the best designer duds.


FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_jcfjshq wrote

Pigeon is forced into doing something illegal due to the cost of living crisis in order to feed his family. Walter White did illegal shit to look after his family. This bird is no different. Good for you, friend, good for you.


DargoTheGreat t1_jcg572o wrote

He did it for him, and he liked it. He was good at it.


420trashcan t1_jcfgcmm wrote

This headline implies the existence of a store made smuggling backpack for pigeons.


MSGinSC t1_jcfnrj6 wrote

That's what the "Beyond" part of Bed Bath, & Beyond is for.


ApatheticWithoutTheA t1_jci73lx wrote

Bed, Bath, and Beyond Bankrupt.

They should have invested more in Pigeon backpack tech.


A40 t1_jcfid4e wrote

"Artisanal" backpack, please. A felon put their heart and soul (and likely some opioids) into it - respect the craft!


CouchRiot t1_jcfnuwp wrote

I know them aren't supposed to be doing it, but you have to appreciate the ingenuity.


Alleandros t1_jcfvynx wrote

What kind of trash article has a headline like that and no cute pictures of a Pigeon wearing a backpack?


leni710 t1_jcfgn9e wrote

Is postmates that understaffed? Do they at least pay pigeons the going minimum wage for winged employees?


[deleted] t1_jcfgywy wrote

Support your local avian backpacking co-op.


FnordBear t1_jcfs4du wrote

Everyone gangsta until the pigeon cartel shows up.


Go_Pack_Go1 t1_jcfydd4 wrote

Bird is now doing life in a cage.


Total-Owl t1_jcg17y3 wrote

Get ready for the new Mo Willems book: "Don't Let the Pigeon Bring the Drugs!"


doublehammer t1_jcg5ayh wrote

The pigeon was just carrying the bag for a “friend”


trickster199 t1_jcgegqz wrote

Put airtag in backpack and let it fly back home.


loztriforce t1_jcftja8 wrote

I hope they don’t lock up the pigeons


WarriorMadness t1_jcg3p2r wrote

This is just like one case we had here in Costa Rica like many years ago. The pigeon was then named the "Narcopaloma", which is a play of the words 'narco' or 'narcotraficante' (drug dealer/lord) and 'paloma' (pigeon).

It was a crazy story, albeit pretty cute.


SpakenBacon t1_jcg173j wrote

What's the punishment for the pigeon for trafficking?


Piranha_Cat t1_jcfyifq wrote

Has this feature been added to prison architect yet?


Impeachykeene t1_jcgekaw wrote

Tiny birdy backpacks? That's so innovative and clever - I say let the inmates have their drug-pigeons. Just out of respect for their game.


slayingadah t1_jcgfiz8 wrote

Am I the only one who clicked only to be extremely disappointed by the lack pictures of the pigeon w said backpack?


Ksh_667 t1_jcgyfaq wrote

Stories like this & the parachuting beavers is why I come to the internet.


IamreallynotaNPC t1_jch5sjx wrote

I didn't know pigeons could even make backpacks.


AloofPenny t1_jchc8o2 wrote

I bet they look so cute with their little backpacks


[deleted] t1_jcgif5j wrote

Now go and get your money lil duffelbag bird 🎶


ErrantsFeral t1_jcgrdsd wrote

Anyone got a link to the Pigeon Amnesty Petition?


LakeGladio666 t1_jch3cg8 wrote

Let prisoners do pigeon stuff. It’s whimsical.


TomCatClyde t1_jch6pu5 wrote

So.. the bird was a mule so a jailbird could shoot horse in the cell?


ignaciolasvegas t1_jcht2fy wrote

They won’t be getting any incriminating intel from the pigeon unless a stool was found also.


kditdotdotdot t1_jchxbxr wrote

“Homemade“?? What pigeon makes its own backpack?


zoqfotpik t1_jci0fkt wrote

So there are at least two pigeons who know how to make backpacks.

And who have turned to a life of crime.


mces97 t1_jci1tw4 wrote

I'm not even mad. Pretty ingenious if you ask me.


TheCoolDean t1_jcfjdgv wrote

and I am struggling to get a legal prescription of esketamine..


zer1223 t1_jcfr4o3 wrote

Was it perhaps carrying a CD?


mlc885 t1_jcghn35 wrote

These pigeons have no chill


Nastidon t1_jcilczg wrote

I'm just happy they said the pigeons were released haha


Shabettsannony t1_jciwowx wrote

In my heart, the drug dealers bought the backpacks on Etsy from someone named Moonshine in the Pacific Northwest.


nadmaximus t1_jd2n4jn wrote

you can't order professional pigeon backpacks from amazon?


OneWholeSoul t1_jcgwbdb wrote

Welp, prisoners can't be allowed air anymore, I guess. /s
(Please, America, don't do this.)