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Might_Aware t1_it88ne0 wrote

That sounds just like Milton Cooper, Alex jomes' mentor


malphonso t1_it8cbtb wrote

You mean Bill Cooper? While Jones might have modeled himself after Bill, he definitely wasn't mentored by him. Bill Cooper hated Alex Jones and would frequently call him out as a fake or government plant.


Might_Aware t1_it8l76h wrote

Ah! Both names are correct, and thank you for correcting me. Whatever article or essay I was reading, I must have misconstrued it


big_nothing_burger t1_itby17f wrote

My dad will repeatedly tell me he's not a conspiracy nut like Alex Jones because Alex Jones is the plant in place to make "real" conspiracy theorists look crazy. Dad said he never followed him but he sure did buy his 9/11 Truther DVDs...also he believes 95% the same nonsense that Jones sells.

Ah...those failing mental faculties.