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t1_ivg73jk wrote

I’ll never understand why parents continue to feed their children to the Catholic Church.


t1_ivih0vk wrote

It's absolutely insane they are still allowed to run orphanages around the world.


t1_ivfxs8j wrote

Only 11? I suspect large dark numbers.

2 reasons really.

1: they have private access to young boys they can dominate.

2: they follow a stupid no sex law from thousands of years ago.

Solution. Do not let your child be alone with sexually repressed people. Also, change the dogma so the clergy's lives is no longer eternal no nut november.



t1_ivg4qoi wrote

Iirc, the whole point of restricting marriage was to eliminate familial nepotism & inheritance. A wealthy cardinal, for example, would then be forced to leave his estate to the Vatican instead of a wife or children. Likewise, it was supposed to stop titles being granted to the children of clergy.

Neither of these things worked, of course. A blatant example would be Pope Alexander IV, who had children via a mistress and still had the brass to promote his "bastard" to cardinal. The whole story is fucked up. "The Borgias" is a somewhat sensationalized and easy-to-digest version of events.


t1_ivkb3uo wrote

So there's still an answer there. You don't need to not have heirs, you just need a better anti nepotism rule... not that they'll follow that either, and it's still probably for the best to just get rid of the thing entirely


t1_ivfzwz0 wrote

Even without the No Sex law, these dreks would have abused kids. Laws do not discourage these types from that type of behavior.


t1_ivg5zxy wrote

One doesn’t become a pervert by being celibate. Pedophilia and other deviancies are deep rooted to the point of being what these people ‘are’ rather than what they ‘do’.

Saying that a middle aged man could be turned into a pedophile is like saying middle aged me could suddenly become a pedophile because my nephew were to move into my house.

You either are or you aren’t when it comes to this stuff.


t1_ivg8lls wrote

Ok mister, care to explain the disproportionate amount of men in cloth doing this?


t1_ivgomu7 wrote

Pedophiles are drawn to the clergy. Some out of a desire to abuse and some, ironically, because they believe that dedicating themselves to God will help them from giving into their carnal desires.


t1_ivgapqi wrote

Predators are attracted to positions of power in the church


t1_ivglh2s wrote

to me it seems the sexual repression causes them to act out, and their easiest victims are children who wont fight back. more opportunist’s than monsters.


t1_ivgtk9t wrote

If you mean repression caused by celibacy - and not some sort of cultural repression - then no. Pedophilia is a deep seated psychosexual deviancy, not something that gets turned on like a light switch.

And two other issues with this logic:

  1. No one forced these guys into the clergy nor is priestly celibacy some sort of surprise.

  2. If someone is willing to break their celibacy (due to it being repressive) to prey in kids, wouldn’t they be just as or more likely to break it to sleep with an adult, if the celibacy was such an issue for them?


t1_ivgopkc wrote

I've heard it phrased as "Positions of power don't create abusers, but they are magnets drawing them in."


t1_ivgrhc3 wrote

It's well known that offenders in the Church are protected. Not so much the secular institutions that offer similar access and those certainly don't have the global reach to shelter them, the social control to force silence or "forgiveness", or the deep pockets to harass or pay off victims and their families.


t1_ivgszqg wrote

I just did. I’m not even sure what you’re arguing about, since you just wrote that the priesthood attracts pedophiles, and not the priesthood (and celibacy) creates pedophiles.


t1_iviglnw wrote

If you are a pedo what better organization is there to join than the Catholic Church?


t1_ivg5cbs wrote

There’s no relationship between celibacy and child sexual abuse. I mean, I’ve been between relationships for years and it didn’t lead me to trolling around grade schools in a van, trying to lure some 10 year old in with some candy so I could violate him. That’s just stupid logic and it’s not how pedophilia works.

Any priest that molested a kid had perverted sexual desires before going into the priesthood.

Now, your first option makes total sense. If I was a perv, I’d be drawn to a profession that offers me authority over and access to the object of my sick desire.

And that’s apart from any cultural issues going on within the Church that prevents weeding out the sickos, if not actively covering up such activity.

There may also be an element with some pervs where they enter the priesthood thinking it’s a place where they can escape their sickness.


t1_ivgqrqc wrote

Not just escape, they can offend over and over and still get forgiveness, absolution, protection, and further access to new victims.


t1_ivgmzg7 wrote

some countries allow marriage for priests, it should reduce the problems a lot I guess, worth looking into that


t1_ivgzp7w wrote

No. That doesn’t address the actual cause.

These guys are already pedos, whether they’re married or not. They need to be criminally prosecuted instead of covered up and protected.


t1_ivigw46 wrote

It's per religious faction not per country. In America pretty much all flavors of Christians except for Catholics can marry. There is no country law saying catholic priests cannot marry they don't because they are following their religion.


t1_ivg0ame wrote

Uh oh here we go again. Who could have seen this coming? If you're Catholic, please stop giving money to the church.


t1_ivgapvf wrote

I spent 16 years in Catholic schools, my family paid through the nose for it. So much bullshit has gone on. The American Bishops all suck too, not just the French. They will never see another dime from me.


t1_ivgd34b wrote

Congrats once AGAIN to Christians the most sexually perverted & violent of ALL religious cults thru history


t1_ivgym7d wrote

So Ricard confessed…. Why isn’t he in jail yet?


t1_ivj7dns wrote

I was always under the impression most pedophiles liked the younger, hairless kids but a 14 year old girl is not that.

Anyhow, twice over the years, my wife asked if the kids can be alter servers. Twice I had to remind her how they are strange men. Church or no church, some of them are sexual predators and the church protects them. Our kids are not for nourishing their odd sexual hungers. Pedophiles come from all walks and we never left the kids in the hands of strange men before. Why start now?


t1_ivte5t9 wrote

Not surprising--it's a way of life with those sicko's, but sure, let's protest drag queens reading to kids at the library.