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t1_ivst7nv wrote

>Medibank has refused to pay the ransom, citing advice from cybercrime experts that doing so would not ensure the return of customers’ information and could put “more people in harm’s way by making Australia a bigger target”.

While smart to not pay, I wonder how much Medibank is going to end up paying in legal fees, fines and judgements in the inevitable upcoming lawsuits.


t1_ivtlg18 wrote

you'll find the australian gov. is very very lenient on businesses who mess up

the govt. themselves had a federal health database leak like over a year ago

also medibank is almost an australian institution... too big to fail so they'll have the full backing of the feds

medibank wont suffer at all given they're on the huge pile of aussie companies who have suffer leaks


t1_ivu5ml0 wrote

We've all seen this movie. You take the $10 million and spend it on catching the hacker and making an example.


t1_ivtuzyt wrote

insurance companies are used to be the ones getting paid to provide medical records


t1_ivvxjv8 wrote

Only 10? Damn they're selling it cheap for people's data


t1_ivvy178 wrote

I'm glad they didn't pay and it's the right thing to do. I feel for them.

For those who do not know, being compromised by a hacker is a when not if for ever major business in operations. I don't care how well you do security, all it takes is one social engineering attack or one zero day and blamo your compromised.

Source: I'm a cybersecurity professional