Submitted by t3_11hq75s in nosleep

EDIT: I'm on the move now and my computer access is spotty, so I'm unable to respond to DMs. But enough people have asked that I've added the link in the comments section. Please use caution in accessing it and sharing it.

My sister’s phone was hacked, or at least that’s what she said. But whoever sent me the link sent it from her number.

I wish I hadn’t clicked.

The video is only two minutes and forty-seven seconds long. There’s no text or dialogue, just a series of still photographs that look like something out of a 1930s German Expressionist horror film, strung together with music.

I didn’t even find it all that frightening at first. Sure, it might scare a little kid or an old lady, but not anyone who’s seen as many horror movies as I have. For starts, as presented, the images don’t even make much sense. There’s no narrative to speak of, no consistent characters or any indication of what it might all mean… and yet, the sum of all the parts is oddly compelling in a way that’s hard to describe, almost as though it’s tickling your brain, challenging it to make sense of what it’s seeing.

I first clicked on that link a week ago, and the dreams started that very night. They are all some version of the same thing, sometimes emphasizing different details, or from different perspectives, allowing me to imagine the same horrors over and over again in ways that continue to shock and terrify me to my core.

In all of them, the year is 1942 and I am part of a Romani traveling theater. But when the dream starts, our little group isn’t heading somewhere to put on a show, we’re on a train headed for Auschwitz.

Only, before we get there, the train suddenly stops. We can’t see much because of the sheer number of people cramped together. But there’s a general sense of confusion for a few minutes, until word finally makes its way back to where we’re standing that the train has been intercepted by someone of high rank who’s looking for actors.

In the dream, we won’t fully understand exactly what Auschwitz is, at least not in the way that we do today, but we all know that it’s someplace we don’t want to go, so when the call comes in that they’re looking for actors, our troop jumps at the chance to get off the train.

We’re met at the side of the tracks by a tall, thin man wearing a white suit, accompanied by several Nazis. I have had the dream many times now, yet I still don’t know his name. I assume he was someone involved in the Nazi propaganda effort, but even that isn’t entirely clear.

The man looks us over carefully for a moment before giving a wave to the train’s engineer, telling him that we “will do.” At that point, the train starts moving again as the soldiers herd our group into the back of a truck.

After a while, we arrive at a palatial estate surrounded by sprawling gardens dotted with sculptures. We’re taken inside what looks like a large barn.

It’s the last time any of us will see the outside world again.

The barn turns out to be a combination of crude, minimalist living quarters and a soundstage. We have no sooner arrived than a small team of Germans is already getting us into “costume” which mostly means naked, and we’re then shuffled out onto the stage, which is currently configured to look like some strange type of altar. Ornate figures line the walls of the set, most of them depicting human beings writhing in torment. It’s obviously meant to be hell and as filming begins, I realize that’s exactly what it is.

I’m not going to rehash how things go from there. Suffice to say that every horror and cruelty imaginable makes an appearance over the next several days, as the man in white uses us as “actors” in his film. In some of the dreams, I’m the first to die. I like those ones the most. It’s the ones where I manage to last that are the worst. Day after day, watching everyone else perish in increasingly fantastical and gruesome ways, all while knowing that someday I will meet the same fate.

In the dreams, the set is often visited by high ranking Nazis who very obviously seem to get off on the suffering, frequently taking part in the filming themselves. But gradually, it starts to sink in that they aren’t doing this purely as some sort of horrific entertainment.

As various demonic entities enter the narrative, it becomes apparent there’s something even more sinister at work. The incantations they’re forcing us to recite, things that sound like gibberish to us, they’re actually doing something…

Upon waking from the first of these dreams, I immediately re-watched the video, hoping that it had somehow sparked a simple nightmare. A highly detailed and realistic nightmare, but a nightmare nonetheless, something I could leave behind and go on with the rest of my day.

But that was not the case. As I re-watched the stream of images, it slowly sank in that everything I’d assumed to be trick photography and simple (not even all that convincing!) special effects at first glance, were in fact real. Those twisted figures weren’t molded out of clay, they were actual corpses, stitched together in fantastical ways. Human beings, sometimes still alive as they were forcibly deformed in front of the camera. Eyes crudely painted over lifeless lids to create “characters” out of actors who’d already died. Emaciated figures groaning in agony as the camera records it all.

Over the following days, the dreams only got worse and more consistent, eventually getting so bad that I stopped sleeping altogether.

That was a week ago.

But now these cursed images have invaded my waking life. It might be the woman on the subway, sitting across from me, who has empty black holes where her eyes should be. Or it might be the graffiti mural on the side of a building, showing the face of a demon from the film. Or the man standing on the street corner, begging for change, whose limbs have been surgically removed and then reattached again in the wrong places.

I just want them to stay away but they’re everywhere now. The whole world closing in.

This morning, one of them came at me. A demon in the form of a man whose face had rotted away. He clawed at my eyes and in a mad terror I took him to the ground, pounding him with my fists until he stopped moving.

It wasn’t until I heard the sirens that I noticed the gathering crowd. I looked back down at the man, only now the vision was gone. It was just an elderly gentleman, face bloody from my fists. I panicked and ran. I don’t know how badly I hurt him. God help me, I might even have killed him.

I’m not safe to be around. And god only knows how many others there are in the same situation. Haven’t you noticed there’s been an uptick in violent crime?

I know I’m a threat to myself and others. I realize the rational thing to do now would be to turn myself in. Allow myself to be committed and try to make peace with what I’ve done. But if I do that, then who will sound the alarm? Somebody needs to put this genie back in the bottle.

To that end, I keep watching the video, searching for some sort of clue, anything that might help me make sense out of what’s happening to me so I can figure out how to stop it. But I’m no expert in the occult. I have no idea what it all means.

The closest I can come to an explanation, is that it wasn’t just a film the man in white was making. It was a weapon. A weapon that subsequently was lost in time—perhaps because the Nazis buried it themselves, realizing they couldn’t control it—but a weapon that has now been rediscovered.

Whoever discovered it and what they’re planning to do with it, I have no idea. But if this thing somehow gets loose on any real scale, the resulting chaos will be catastrophic.

Which is why I’m posting this message to a variety of forums, places where it has a chance of being seen by someone with knowledge of the occult. Someone who might have an idea how to stop it.

If this describes you, please respond to this message ASAP and I will send you a link to the video for further analysis.

It should go without saying that you should NOT ask for the link unless you honestly think you can help. I wouldn’t even dare put it out there, except that it’s already out there anyway. Someone is already trying to spread it. Our only hope now is to somehow get ahead of it before it reaches some sort of critical mass.

This is not a joke. I am not writing this for your entertainment. Anyone who watches this video needs to understand that it’s not like anything else they’ve ever watched. When you watch this video, it watches you back.



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t1_javd338 wrote

Woah ……. Let’s see if I dream tonight !!!


t1_jb8xspe wrote

Haven’t slept well since looking at the pics ……. No menace as yet !!! Just crappy nights with broken sleep !!! How I wish I hadn’t looked 😱


t1_jbxgs67 wrote



OP t1_jaw5ulg wrote

For those requesting the link….

NSFW. View at your own caution


t1_javbw7g wrote

I don't have the balls to watch it, But I do recommend you to visit an psychiatrist. If it's something psychological them hypnotism might help too.


t1_jaw33tw wrote

You should backtrack it to the source. Start with your sister's phone. Is it doing anything else odd like a glitching screen or an app she didn't install?

Did it go to anyone else?

Get a tech to look at it in depth. If it's a virus, everyone makes mistakes. Did the virus dev leave any clues?

How might she have gotten it in the first place? I'm worried she's making friends with bad people. Really bad people.


t1_jb0i9kh wrote

I go by the same rules with this kinda stuff as I would with an Ouija board. I don't mess with anything that could possibly invite anything evil into my little bubble. I've seen enough in my life to know that there are forces in this world that are beyond our comprehension and screwing with them almost never ends well. Even the biggest skeptic can be turned believer in a matter of minutes and for anyone who wants to be a hero or a tough guy, it's your funeral. Things like this command a certain level of respect and you can get yourself into trouble real quick if you aren't careful