Submitted by t3_yw7f7c in nosleep

He's here.

I hear him walking up the stairs to the bed that we used to share. Instead of feeling the comfort I once felt from him, I feel nothing but fear. Who would have thought that using witchcraft to summon the perfect boyfriend could end so horribly?

Let me explain. I am a 21 year old female. Up until 6 months ago I lived a completely normal life. My boyfriend, Craig and I had been together since high school and things were looking good for us. That was until he got himself killed. I won't go into details, but that's when I started dabbling into some unholy things.

I always said that Craig was my soulmate, and I really believed he was the one for me. After months of grieving I decided I would try my luck with a new man. Not just any man, I was going to summon the perfect boy for me.

I began reading all sorts of spell books. I wanted my ritual to be perfect. My objective was simple; I wanted to summon my soul mate. He would be my perfect match and would never let me go. Sounds simple, right? Well, it was.

Within a month I was ready to perform my ritual. I had my candles, my blood, and my book. The ritual did not take long to complete, and I knew by morning the love of my life would be knocking at my door. Oh, how foolish I was.

At 3 am I heard a knock on my door. I was practically skipping down the stairs, eager to meet my future husband. I had already planned our future. Two kids, a dog, and a little white house on Main St. When I opened the door all of my dreams were buried 6 feet under.

Standing at the door was my beloved, but dead, Craig. This wasn't my handsome, kind, caramel eyed Craig. This was a decaying, one eyed, zombie movie Craig.

It looks like my spell worked. Unfortunately, I had not considered that Craig truly was my soul mate and perfect match. When I summoned my perfect man, I seemed to have brought zombie Craig back to the land of the living.

I slammed the door in his face and immediately went to work. I had to undo this spell. I could hear Craig slamming on the door and I knew I didn't have much time. He seemed to have much more strength than he did when he was alive.

"I'll never leave you Layla, come down here. We can be together forever." These were the words he kept shouting and shouting. I could hear the malice in his voice and knew that we would only be together when he dragged me to hell. I knew I shouldn't have dabbled in witchcraft. Not only was I going to be killed by my dead boyfriend, I also damned myself to hell. I had to at least live long enough to go to confession. No way could I be stuck in hell with zombie Criag.

Unfortunately, that's not what happened. Who would have thought that there was WiFi in hell? That's where I'm writing this post from. Just when I thought I could cast away Craig for good he managed to burst right through the door I heard him flying up the stairs and knew that was it. Within seconds he had latched his rotting teeth to my neck. Before I could react, I woke up here.

It's really not too bad. It's warm and a little creepy, but at least I have Craig with me. I've been able to move past his zombie like appearance. I am writing this to let you all know that wishing for a soulmate is a trap. Your white picket fence just might just turn into the blazing gates of hell. Cheers.



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t1_iwjz6j6 wrote

Um, I'm glad I'm single now and I Hope U are doing well there with your bf and hope you are enjoying your stay I guess? 😅😅


OP t1_iwn701r wrote

Thank you! The humidity is a little much, but overall a pretty cozy place


t1_iwn2av5 wrote

That’s why you lay out the specifics and make sure your words can only be interpreted as you want them to!


OP t1_iwn73qo wrote

I definitely did not do enough research! I'm hoping maybe I can find a way to resurrect myself from down here, any tips?