Submitted by NyxCantSpell t3_zvvjo2 in nosleep

So, hello. I'm writing this in probably my last few moments alive. I'm afraid. I have boarded up my windows and doors but I dont think that's enough to hold it off for long. I guess I should start at the beginning.

Knowing how clumsy I am, this story shouldn't be as odd as it is. One night, I was scrolling on reddit as I do most nights. My bed is directly next to a window but there's not much activity since I live in a generally remote area. But that night, I heard a baby crying. It sounded like it was coming from behind shed about 50 feet away from my window. There's no baby in my house or at my neighbors house so I was confused.

I brushed it off as me mishearing an animal call because it went away. But about 20 minutes later I heard something else. This time it was a baby laughing. This kept happening every 20 minutes and every time it was something different. The last time was right before I fell asleep and it sounded like a woman singing for 5 minutes then there was a blood curdling scream and then deafening silence.

Next time this happened, I heard meowing and assumed it was some stray that had wandered into my yard since it's happened before. I looked out my window and saw something looking back at me. It looked like a dog but it was still meowing at me. Then it suddenly stood on its hind legs and sprinted back to what I assumed was its nest.

When it did that, I slammed close the shutters and locked my door. I was too scared to sleep and even more scared to stay awake. To see it again. That was about a month ago, but something happened again tonight. I heard that same woman scream but this time more muffled and I made out a word.

After the screaming, I heard her voice yelling "HELP! HELP!" Then I heard my name. It's almost like she knew me and needed me specifically. I was about to open my bedroom door when something within told me to stop. I looked up what I was experiencing and found other people in rural areas with similar stories, though most ended with the person leaving to investigate the noise. I don't want to say what it is in case I accidentally summon more. If you still don't know, I will leave a clue for you.

Leaning against my wall were inch thick wooden boards because my dad was doing construction. I covered my door and window with them but the banging and pleading just wont stop. I don't know what to do because I know she's actually just it trying to get in.

Kinda wish I grabbed food before I shut myself in but chocolate from Christmas should keep me alive long enough. I know I will die anyways but I want to prolong that as much as I can.

Even now, the banging wont stop and I think I hear more banging and hooves running through the woods. I hope this reaches the correct people before they get to me.

Reach out to me if you have any method of keeping them off. I hope you understand the message hidden. If not, remember what comes before second. I'm sorry I can't tell you more.




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Own_Chemistry8385 t1_j1sz783 wrote

Op Remember these three rules.

  1. If you can grab it, you can kill it
  2. Salt wards away most evil spirits, and fire kills anything with a body.
  3. If you're gonna die, write EVERYTHING you see. Give the next guy a fighting chance when it gets hungry again.

Check your local regions for folklore and urban legends. You still have Internet access and use it before it learns what a WiFi is.

If you have no other choice but to run, and trust me on this, head to your nearest church and ask to see "The holy Saint Micheal himself" trust me, the father will understand. If he doesn't run and head to the next church. Same question.


420CowboyTrashGoblin t1_j1rertc wrote

So you living in Appalachia then? Or the Midwest?


420CowboyTrashGoblin t1_j1rh5xa wrote

It's kinda important, because with one in the Midwest it's not that big a deal, thems are barely even immortal. youll have a fight on your hands, but all you're gonna need some flammable oil and a sharp spear is ideal cause you'll need to pierce the heart after blessing the oil and lighting the tip of the spear on fire. But from what you described, it sounds like the other.

And the other, well, I'll tell ya this much, it knows your name because the thing is some kinda psychic, and they establish a bond through fear. The more afraid ya are, the more powerful they become. If you're out here in my neck of the woods, It's not trying to get in. It's trying to scare ya.

They practically feed on fear. I mean, they'll eat ya too, but only after they get their fill of your fear. If ya have a rifle or something, keep in mind these bitches ain't immortals like the ones out west, they got all sorts of tinder bits you can go for. Aim for the chest though, they got hearts too. If it's still human shaped, that means it's not reached its fill, it's still weak enough to kill, but strong enough to kill you.

When it was a baby or a little cat dog creature, it ran because it wasn't strong enough yet, wasn't full. Also, don't forget that the psychic connection it has with you is based on fear, if you planning on gunning for that thing, it's gonna feel it before you get any sights on it. And if it runs, it means it doesn't think it'll survive at it's current power, so you need to leave the area immediately. If it don't run, well, make sure ya don't miss.


NyxCantSpell OP t1_j1rfoa2 wrote

Yes. My family moved to Michigan because my mom inherited a farm right near an Native American burial ground. I don't know if you would classify that as Midwest but I'm pretty sure it technically is


420CowboyTrashGoblin t1_j1rhn07 wrote

Michigan? That's pretty far off from where I was thinking. Well, check the other comment. Cause you might be dealing with some kinda different beast all together.


Binky-Answer896 t1_j1salap wrote

Well, you’re better off with what’s coming than you’d be in Appalachia. At least you’ll probably just die, and maybe even quickly if you’re lucky. In Appalachia though, the things in those hills and hollows will — well, it would be much, much worse.

Good luck my friend. Maybe some deity will intervene on your behalf.


ashsupremacy t1_j1wu0ap wrote

please tell me ur still ok and breathing