Submitted by Hunter-of-darkness t3_106srad in nosleep

Hello, r/nosleep. Today I have decided to come clean by confessing my biggest fear since childhood. When I (44 year old male) was younger i lived on a farm with my family in a rural part of Slovakia, close to the border of Poland. One day me and my older brother wanted to go play outside and went into a nearby forest. We asked our parents for permission, and ran out the door the second that “yes” flew out their mouths. We hopped on our bikes and sped down the road, towards the nearby forest.

After riding for some 10-15 minutes, we parked in a ditch and ran out into the darkness. It was around 10 am at that time. We explored around and found a very branch-filled tree. We looked at each other and bet to climb the highest, the winner getting the others dessert. We liked making bets. He counted down “1” and “2” before speeding off, up the tree. I followed quickly after, but he was already about 3 meters up, and i basically had no chance of winning.

As I tried climbing up, the branch I held onto snapped, and I fell down and hit my head first. I saw my brother look down quickly, before returning to climb. But quickly after he continued, I heard a loud noise, it is hard to explain how it sounded, but it was like wind flowing fast in front of you. I looked up to see a long, almost staff like item had penetrated my brother’s leg, and screamed loudly before flying down the tree. He landed beside me, head first as well. Only this time he was too far up, and landed hardly onto the dirt. The side of his head looked like it had exploded. A big, bloody, mushy substance surrounded his head.

I screamed in horror, before a family friend, Josan, appeared before us. He put his hand over my mouth and hushed at me. He picked my up and ran with me to a fallen tree nearby. He hid us there and set up his crossbow, pointing towards my brother’s lifeless body. I was still in shock, but learned to be silent. Suddenly a human-like shout could be heard from deeper into the forest. An animal appeared, but it wasn’t. It looked like a deformed dog. It has a twisted shape, with almost human like limbs. It sniffed at the corpse, then started licking the brain mush. I was horrified, wanting to just leave this evil dream. Josan shoot at it, hitting it in the shoulder. It growled at the wound, before running into the forest. Josan followed after.

I took off running, not daring to look back. I ran for god knows how long before reaching my bike. I rode down with unimaginable speed, down towards my farmhouse. After reaching there I ran inside and locked the door. My parents heard the commotion and asked what all was. I simply replied with “training” before heading towards me and my brothers bedroom. It was already late by then, and I fell asleep. From that night on and for the next 6 years, I would hear those human-like screeches, almost calling out to me. I moved out the day I filled 18. Ever since then I feared that forest.

I’m planning on returning there for winter-break, and I’m gonna kill that goddamn dog, whatever it takes. Josan went missing a couple weeks after the incident, and I’m gonna avenge him and my brother. I’ve purchased a rifle, a 22. If I remember correctly. If this is my last time on this earth, it was a good run.



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1MoreTiredTeacher t1_j3j9dxv wrote

What did your parents say when they found out about your brother though? How did you explain that to them?


Hunter-of-darkness OP t1_j3j9kx5 wrote

The next morning I was still in a state of shock, but I just said he went out to a sleep over with some friends of his from football club


Bowser7717 t1_j3jlksx wrote

Wait.... your parents didn't ask where your brother was??? Like....ever??


Hunter-of-darkness OP t1_j3jm1nc wrote

As previously mentioned, due to my state of shock, I simply told them that he had gone out to a sleep over with a couple friends from his football club. After not returning for a few days, they called police and filed a missing persons report. I don’t believe they found any traces left of him, but they suspected that the football club people might’ve done something, so they were interrogated, then me and my family. Everyone responded saying they didn’t know where he was, even though my words were under heavy lies.


Aggravating-Age-1535 t1_j3js5bo wrote

a .22? dude that's going to do nothing to it. you might be better off with a good BB gun if all you have is a 22


Hunter-of-darkness OP t1_j3jssdb wrote

I barely know anything about guns, but this one was cheap. Got it off a friend for 600$ and a couple bullets. It looks good, fires ok, but we’ll see how it goes against that thing


al-mongus-bin-susar t1_j3lxa8j wrote

You need an anti tank missile for that thing.. even then it's probably still gonna live


Hunter-of-darkness OP t1_j3m15ql wrote

I don’t think that would be a legal “hunting purpose” gun if the authorities ask


Mr_Smartypants t1_j3n7tt0 wrote

.22 should be fine if you can get some silver bullets.

They will be among the cheapest silver ammo, because of the low caliber.


Hunter-of-darkness OP t1_j3nb0z6 wrote

The guy that got me this just gave me a magazine, I don’t know if you need singular bullets put in this


HippoBanana58 t1_j3isf6b wrote

I hope you succeed and make it back safe, good luck!


Big-doggo_ t1_j3kb31p wrote

If I were you I would get a 300 weatherby


Hunny_BunZzZ t1_j3kzffq wrote

Ah yes the woods have belonged to so many sacred being and even unholy entities especially parts that were walked upon by native tribes… treat carefully


Hunter-of-darkness OP t1_j3mx0qy wrote

You think this is some sort of native tribe? That thing is no tribal, nor spiritual being. That thing was satan in disguise


Hunny_BunZzZ t1_j3nmd9h wrote

Hm if that is the case is it possible that it could be a hellhound? Any known history of cults or satanic rituals that took place around the area?🤔


alwaysatonna t1_j3mq5pn wrote

I think your going to need more then just a 22


Hunter-of-darkness OP t1_j3mqdya wrote

What do you recommend? I’m broke, but selling the gun to a store or gun dealer might be an option to earn the money back


alwaysatonna t1_j3oghch wrote

I understand being broke you need something that's big enough to take care of an elephant LOL


Hunter-of-darkness OP t1_j3oh0o5 wrote

It was around as big as a human I remember, maybe 2 meters. But are you suggesting one of those old elephant guns?


alwaysatonna t1_j3tfiry wrote

I'm not sure what caliber that gun is that I'm talking about I've only heard people say elephant guns.


Hunter-of-darkness OP t1_j3tgusq wrote

620 inch caliber. Massive bullets


alwaysatonna t1_j3wn56k wrote

Ok well that's what u should try to get if u have the money!! I don't want u to get hurt or killed by not having a big enough gun


Hunter-of-darkness OP t1_j3wrqeu wrote

I don’t think they produce those since the 1800’s. A modern day elephant gun would probably be a large caliber rifle or one of those shotguns. Anyways, I don’t have the money, time or the risk to try and experiment with these weapons of mass destruction


SHAMEanBLAME t1_j3nct9b wrote

Use .22 to rob, use money from robbing to buy a .50cal, prob solved


Hunter-of-darkness OP t1_j3nezmq wrote

That would definitely not go as a “hunting purpose” gun, cause if I used that big of a gun on a deer or something, it would be red mist

Another commenter suggested an anti-tank rifle, so your suggestion would definitely be better to go with to not be suspicious


YYEELOEW t1_j3nv5gb wrote

I think a you'll need a tad bit more firepower than a .22 when hunting some unknown abomination. I'd get at the minimum a .308 rifle if i were you, though not sure how that'd work on your budget.


Hunter-of-darkness OP t1_j3nz2ab wrote

My current budget is approximately 0$, but I could sell my rifle and some other hunting equipment of mine to get some money. But keep in mind I have a son, so I do have to spare some money for food, clothes and such