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t1_jcxrz9j wrote

"Egg prices have surged, fueled by short supply caused by the deadly avian flu, high production costs and egg producers increasing their own profits "



t1_jcxtznu wrote

> Dicks

That's not where eggs come from


t1_jcy5zrm wrote



t1_jcywgut wrote

Have you seen the price of duck eggs?


t1_jcxuok1 wrote



t1_jd256r6 wrote

Oh, sure, let me just spend like 15 minutes trying to break some snake eggs over a counter


t1_jcxyacx wrote

Not for those with chickens at home! The rest of us have to get our eggs from dicks who jack the prices up for profit.


t1_jcy6i66 wrote

I don't like appealing to "want to increase profits" as an explanation for price increases. They are always wanting to increase their profits, so it doesn't help explain any particular price surge.

Generally what stops arbitrary price increases is the fact that it draws competitors into the market. So if you see them succeeding in increasing profits, it's because said competitors can't or won't, and if they can't, then that's rightly called a legit supply shock.

Now, if there were actual cartel schemes to hold supply down (the "won't" branch), that would be a valid explanation for malevolent price increases, but even then, that mechanism should be what you're appealing to, not "lol greed".

Edit: Economically ignorant people in this thread, don't bother.


t1_jcy84l5 wrote

This hasn't been true since the pandemic. The supply crunches have been used to obfuscate margin increases as a test to see what the market will allow before they react. We've proven that we'll keep buying and throw nearly all the blame at inflation and supply chain regardless of it often being the smallest part of a particular items inflation. This is true of most food stuffs increases to prices.


t1_jcy8o4i wrote

Like I said, that doesn't work generally because of competition. If you have actual concrete evidence of cartelization, then you can cite the evidence of that.


t1_jcy93by wrote

Cargill and Tyson for one. Both companies are keeping chicken prices artificially high and reaping huge margins.


t1_jcy97t6 wrote

That's not evidence of cartelization. Again, what changed so that they couldn't or wouldn't do this in 2018, or 2009, or ...?


t1_jcyqzfn wrote



t1_jcyr8rs wrote

That's the same thread, and didn't answer the question there either.

Edit: lol blocked for applying basic economics. You guys sure are thin-skinned.


t1_jcyrf8u wrote



t1_jcyrrta wrote

What changed in terms of cartelization. "The pandemic is what changed" is consistent with the (more probable) supply shock explanation. Again, why not do it in e.g. 2009 when they could have "obfuscated" it with swine flu?

Again, they're always greedy. Why isn't competition restraining it this time?


t1_jcyw4i0 wrote

Not everyone who disagrees with you is ignorant.

They just have different opinions, buddy.

Get over yourself.


t1_jcysd7t wrote

If supply problems are a thing, stores just don't get the product.


t1_jcysmh3 wrote

Okay thanks for confirming you don't know what you're talking about -- would have saved time to say something like that before though.


t1_jczcec2 wrote

Supply and demand means that when when supply goes down you need to lower demand some way to stay in stock.

Most places raise prices to stay in stock. My local Lidl has eggs for like $2.70, but they limit 4 dozen per customer to lower demand


t1_jczcobi wrote

That seems a better way than simply jacking up your prices and reaping the windfall profit.


t1_jd217f1 wrote

They aren't doing it to be nice. They are doing it so they continue to have people come in for eggs (with some confidence of supply) and then stay to buy other stuff as well.


t1_jd0dp4l wrote

Why did the production costs increase ?


t1_jd0frrg wrote

The price of feed, rising wages, all kinds of overhead I'm sure; including the price of egg cartons.


t1_jd4p3rd wrote

Except that there really have not been that many reported Avian Flu culls. It's pretty much all price gouging. In fact in my town we have two regional grocery store chains, one has been lowering prices steadily and the other refuses. The same Dozen Jumbo Eggs are $4.49 at one and $7.49 at the other. A year ago they were $2.99


t1_jcy6d39 wrote



t1_jczjkyx wrote

>Your friendly reminder that publicly traded companies are legally required to pursue profits at the expense of consumer experiences

*Citation Needed

I'll save you the time: no they are not.

I'll go a step further and provide a citation from a supreme court ruling:

No. 13-354

>Modern corporate law does not require for-profit corporations to pursue profit at the expense of everything else, and many do not.


t1_jcyywgr wrote

Egg costs jumped 38% for producers annually in February and 55% for shoppers...

This disconnect is what's really driving inflation. Sure costs went up but the profit margin is untethered from reality at this point.


t1_jd0ja35 wrote

I think there’s a supply chain in between, so it’s not as wide of a margin when logistics also are paid for.


t1_jd0jp4e wrote

From another part of the article:

Egg prices have surged, fueled by short supply caused by the deadly avian flu, high production costs and egg producers increasing their own profits.

Egg producers have increased their margin of profit higher than previously done and in the middle of supply chain issues and the avian flu.


t1_jd0k4x3 wrote

I’m not disagreeing with that. I’m just pointing out that there are multiple factors affecting inflation in that gap, such as transportation, which is affected by the cost of gas also.


t1_jd0ks65 wrote

I mean, sure but it's a fraction and almost nominal additional cost, otherwise it would be noted as a standalone addition.

What we do know is across the board, pork products, eggs, gas and oil etc. Etc. Corporations have increased their profit margins wildly untethered to the cost of goods.

Almost every recent investor call has shown this. All of them are bragging about how they've made record profits far and away above anything they've done in the past.


t1_jcy1ivd wrote

Sell per egg perhaps?


t1_jd1ndde wrote

Years ago, I saw a convenience store in a very low-income neighborhood that really was selling raw eggs individually. I don't know how anyone got their loose egg home in one piece.


t1_jd01us5 wrote

Just bought two dozen eggs from Costco in the San Francisco Bay Area only $3 a dozen. Supply not short just greed.


t1_jcym1mp wrote

Doesn’t this mean they won’t qualify for food stamps payments from customers?


t1_jcy6lr8 wrote

I got a doz large eggs for $2.50.

I don't see what the problem is. Yeah, prices raise over time. Especially when driven by greed and disease.

What else is new? Big fucking deal. The reason we can't afford eggs isn't because of a small price raise to eggs. It's because rich people aren't paying their fair share in society, and it ends up taking all the gained wealth out of the system.

The orange asshole's tax cuts for the rich have kicked in, and you're feeling it. Now you're going to feel it for the rest of your life. Enjoy.


t1_jczeplz wrote

That's extremely cheap. I'm NJ I pay $3.50 at least, and earlier this year it was more like $4.75 -$5.50.


t1_jcz6zm2 wrote

I bought just 6 eggs at the grocery store on my last trip. The only other choice available was in a carton of 18 for over$8.00 . I could have taken two at 1.75 for six but really only needed the smaller size. It is a matter of marketing and fear.


t1_jd0crwb wrote

Weird. The price of eggs has dropped like 50% in the last month by me. They were $7 for 18 and now they’re down to $3.65 for 18.


t1_jd0izxl wrote

Egg prices have plummeted already, this is weird fear mongering news


t1_jd155l5 wrote

the dollar store sold eggs?


t1_jd5w34h wrote

This was my thought too haha, I’m Canadian and our dollar stores only have a an aisle of pantry items. I’ve never seen cold or frozen foods before!


t1_jczxuhu wrote

Regulators won’t let home farms sell eggs anymore. That’s not helping.


t1_jd19hng wrote

This is bad for the poor, many large urban areas do not have an actual grocery store. Dollar tree and dollar general are the only places that sell traditional groceries.


t1_jd254da wrote

People shouldn't be buying groceries from dollar stores anyway, it's not practical. Stores like that mark stuff way up taking advantage of lower financial literacy or transit access in poorer neighborhoods.


t1_jdgfahp wrote

Egg prices are crashing back down again so this is Dollar Tree pulling the “oh how poor us! Evil Brandon has made the inflationerinos happen111!!!”