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PingBongBingPong t1_jaye1hl wrote

Ask her. Do not choose the ring. We do not know rings. We do not understand the differences between princess cut and radiant cut diamonds. No one will be able to help you.

What I did was look up engagement rings on Instagram. I found a post that showed different cuts. Then I sent it to her telling her the one I like. Then she naturally told me what I like is ugly and she told me what she likes.

Also most girls care about how much it is. You need a fucking microscope to find the differences between the diamond and it’s quality but nope, my gf knows somehow.


[deleted] OP t1_jayeeuv wrote



Chewwy987 t1_jayxkn0 wrote

Look up thr 4 C and how to tell if it’d good quality you can get an okay to decent ring thst won’t break the bank


PingBongBingPong t1_jayf4bm wrote

My friends fiancé had a ring in the family which saved him the hassle, maybe you can be as lucky as him. Even then they might want a bigger better Diamond.

Some places offer financing. Also you can do a custom ring today and pay it little by little and they give you the ring once it’s paid off. It can be a few months it can be a year.

Idk if you have a credit card but if you have good credit and open a new credit card with Discover or someone similar they offer 0% interest for the first year. I did that with my TV and PS5 and “financed” it with 0 interest and paid it off in about 6 months

I don’t consider myself financially responsible btw so maybe someone else can shed some light on it.


sliderturk99 t1_jayes8n wrote

Do your research on another boards and forums...there is a massive to learn when buying a diamond

Don't be afraid to visit multiple stores and listen to the reps and see which ones know exactly what they are talking about.

Keep in mind your budget might be 5k but does that include tax? The setting aka the ring on top of the actual cost of the diamond.

All things to consider


MysteriousHedgehog23 t1_jaykbyi wrote

Google the 4-C’s of diamonds. Wherever you get the ring from, be sure to get certification of the diamond separate from the jeweler. Get it insured. Usually you can add jewelry riders onto main policies like apartment rental insurance.


ConfitOfDuck t1_jayskwo wrote

Propose with a ring pop or something else informal. Go to Love Adorned in Nolita and/or Melissa Joy Anderson in Cobble Hill together. Be prepared to go 20% above the budget you’ve communicated when she finds the ring she loves. Don’t be picky about it being a diamond.


gh234ip t1_jayszk1 wrote

It doesn't have to be a diamond, maybe a ruby, sapphire, or emerald would be more unique and personal


Chewwy987 t1_jayxaj3 wrote

My husband bought me a ring online from James Allen


Ok-Hunt6574 t1_jayrsl6 wrote

Diamonds are a scam. Buy something super nice that she likes and take the rest of the money and do something cool.