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yuichurros t1_jdavl5r wrote

Please consider giving her to a reputable shelter/rescue instead of giving her away to strangers on the internet. You never know what people’s intentions are!


AlarmingDrawing t1_jdavqn8 wrote

This!!! Posting a rehome like this on Reddit without properly vetting people is not going to end well for the poor pup.


Odd_Lavishness1417 OP t1_jdavwv9 wrote

I don’t have experience with rehoming - is it possible to call tomorrow and send her there on the same day? (In an urgent situation )


AlarmingDrawing t1_jdaxq6c wrote

Call in the morning, speak to your vet, ask a friend to foster while you figure it out, separate the two animals and do some research but do not give away a dog showing signs of aggression towards another animal on Reddit. Please use some common sense!

Being responsible goes with the privilege of being a pet owner. Don’t cast your dog aside like this without putting in some effort to find her a safe home.


ineedcoffeenowplz t1_jdb2bpg wrote

Why would you get a Doberman living in a new york apartment?


Shera939 t1_jdayxlu wrote

Google the breed and rescues. Drive to if you like them.


[deleted] t1_jdb7sto wrote

contact rescues in the city they can help you find a place for her. Do not rehome to a rando on reddit lol