Hamilton Ave in Red Hook, before and after the construction of the Gowanus Expressway and BQE in the 1940s-50s
Submitted by TheSandPeople t3_10mrfeq in nyc
Yes yes, keep complaining about Robert Moses and the stuff he built. I'm going to keep using it to get around, going to places no transit system or fancy ebike will reach, getting things done.
If you lot had your way, this city would have half the population.
> going to places no transit system or fancy ebike will reach
The photo shows a transit system that was ripped out to put in a highway. Robert Moses is the reason these transit deserts exist.
>If you lot had your way, this city would have half the population.
The population of Brooklyn has decreased since the construction of the BQE. Overall population of the city has only increased by 20% since the 1940s.
lolol yknow moses deleted tons of housing right?? quit being a dick and actually think about things critically before you decide to have an opinion
People get their houses deleted all the fucking time for infrastructure projects. That's how cities develop and grow. Quit being a pussy about it.
ye except usually they receive suitable housing afterwards, and also these projects dont usually uproot several established neighborhoods (coincidentally black ones. wonder why…). But ill forgive u for being a moron and a jackass cuz i can tell u dont read much, since ur opinion amounts to “just take it” lmao
How is any of that my problem? I don’t care how it got built. It’s here now, and I’m going to use it while you guys whine about it.
"I possess no empathy, therefore u suck" is an interesting take
lol, what, you expect me to say “oh, I’m gonna stop using the BQE out of respect and consideration for all the people who sold their homes to the city in order to make it happen”? Fuck outta here. 🙄
mm thats not what i said, i said you shouldn’t have an opinion on moses if ur an asshole about it lolol. i use the bqe too boo, i just know the guy who built it did so at the cost of a lot of new yorkers and dont pretend it was good that he did so.
Moses built basically all the public housing that exists today. Moses was one of the biggest builders of housing in the cities history.
Most of that was part of "slum clearance" and not greenfield developments. So he tore down housing to put up public housing. I doubt in the end it was that much new housing.
So now we are onto a value juadgement between slums and public housing.
When the public housing was built the housing that was destroyed was old, small and antiquated. The public housing was bigger apartments modern and in a park like setting. Today the poor depend on the public housing that was built then.
Which would you rather have? Would you knock down the public housing today and give it back to private landlords at market prices?
I put the slum part in quotes for a reason since it was his term, not mine.
I'm not judging, simply pointing out that he built homes while also tearing them down, so in my opinion it doesn't make him one of the biggest buildings of housing.
And I also want to note that the "towers in the park" model of low income housing has also been found to not be very successful.
I agree the housing in a park did not necessarily work. I would agree it was probably a net even. Though I do think Moses was trying to make life better for people overall. Many if the things he did have had great benefits to society even today. There are good things he did and bad.
Even if you use what's built and don't want it removed, you can also see why some people don't want more of this. Lots of people on this sub call out for new highways to be built to make their driving experience better. Well this is what you get, think they would volunteer their home for removal?
It happens all the time for infrastructure projects. You people bitch about houses being removed for a highway, but you’d probably sing a much different tune if the same houses were to be removed for a train line, calling those homeowners NIMBYs for blocking progress. So spare me the fake sympathy for the people who lost their homes.
Please name a recent infrastructure project that bulldozed block and blocks of buildings other than highways.
And for transit, the city can't even build an elevated train line NEXT to houses without people freaking out. Not even bulldozing them. As was the case with extending the N to LaGuardia.
Fun fact, the population of Manhattan peaked in 1905.
Turns out, it’s the density stupid.
Had RM not halted mass transit improvements and expansions to free up capital for his highways, far away places that you have in mind may have benefited from public transit. Dude hated poor people and black people and sucked the soul out of Ford and GM.
I'm no fan of Robert Moses but you'd have to be delusional to think any city administration could've expanded mass transit during that time.
You have to understand that Robert Moses was a special kind of asshole who despite the controversy still got shit done. He ruthlessly abused city and state powers , colluded with contractors , and ofcourse manipulated public opinion. Master builder isn't a term handed out easily yes he was an absolute tool but he did something few others could pull off in NYC of all places.
“NYC would be a transit utopia with fast, reliable, efficient transit covering every corner of the city if not for that evil, racist Robert Moses.” 🙄 Save it. I don’t care for your rosy “what-ifs”.
Where? A residential area in Mill Basin?
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