Submitted by t3_10x87ag in philadelphia

I tried finding information about this on SEPTA's website, but didn't have any luck. Will there be any special hours/re-routed SEPTA routes on Sunday to accommodate for the Super Bowl? I live in Manayunk and during the NFC Championship game I took the 61 down to Spring Garden to watch the game with some friends. I ended up going down to City Hall and taking Regional Rail home, but a friend of mine said she waited for the 61 and it just never came - assuming because its route takes it down through the "box" that was blocked off to traffic. It didn't seem that there were any updates or reroute notifications though.

Seeing as the last train out from Suburban Station on the Manayunk/Norristown line is scheduled for 10:09 on Sunday, and I plan on being out way later than that if the Birds win, I was hoping to just take the bus home and not have to rely on crazy upcharged Ubers, but I don't want to get stranded waiting for a bus that never comes. Does anyone have any idea as to whether or not they're going to post alternative routes or extend service on Sunday?


Go Birds



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t1_j7qtk7c wrote

Try SEPTA_social on Twitter, they’re very responsive and can probably answer this for you.


t1_j7qtnr7 wrote

If they don't have a special schedule listed, they're running the regular Sunday schedule


t1_j80bhz4 wrote

Great planning by the city, lets shut down the public transport right after an eagles Super Bowl game and then act like were the bad guys for climbing a few poles while trapped there


t1_j7rp99y wrote

I'm planning on stashing our bikes down in the city earlier in the day, then riding back to Manayunk late. The buses will probably never come, and I doubt they'll run the regional rail late for us.


OP t1_j7rpgcc wrote

If I was on my own, I'd 100% ride my bike...Maybe I'll just leave the rest of my group to split an Uber lol


t1_j7t2rlg wrote

Friend who works for SEPTA said normal schedule will run…no extended schedules. Apparently Ubers were insane in 2018 - price wise and availability (I watched at home in Manayunk, but am watching in South Philly this time around). If you have a place to stay over, I’d plan on doing that. Also everyone take a portable phone charger out so you don’t get stranded!!


t1_j7rcrpi wrote

Your best bet might be to find a route west of broad street that connects to another route going to Manyunk


t1_j7xr758 wrote

Septa will run a regular sunday schedule. After the NFC win they removed all buses from center city which is why the 61 never came. I would expect the same thing to happen when they win on sunday.


t1_j7uir3m wrote

It will be running, but heavily delayed, detoured, and possibly be cutback entirely before Center city. Your best bet is to take the el to 69th, then transfer to the 65, last bus leaves at 12:20 from the south terminal, leaves approximately every 30 min. Note that SEPTA operators will call out like everyone else, and they don’t have enough replacements, so there probably will be some trip cancellations. Also a chance that the el skips stops in CC. Worst that happens is Uber though. You can check the 9/61 just in case, but chances are they’ll be suspended for all or part of the route. They really should be running extra trains, but no one from SEPTA would think of that because non of them ride the system…