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BugsRucker t1_ixcht9u wrote

>Actually truth requires 100% unanimity.

>Because this is never the case...

So, the op article is true.... nothing is true!

It bothers me that mental constructs are so ambiguous and yet so ubiquitous.


bumharmony t1_ixdvodu wrote

If we are searching for something that does cannot be evidenced to exist, then it is not possible to say that x.....y are not true.

If I pull a concept out of my ass and say that nothing is this x, it is different thing to say as we should that the whole concept does not exist rather than trying to catch that false question setting like dogs. Because of course saying that nothing is x is not innocent but a way of doing something, implying obligation etc. For example the justification of capitalism is that no morals can be measured so we should welcome laissez faire.