Submitted by t3_11jrql7 in photoshopbattles



#The stock image for Battle #541 is... Industrial Kitchen




###Previous Winner

This week's image was chosen by , the winner in Battle 540:

Stock image: Mischievous Twins

Winning entry: Mischievous Triplets



The winner of this weeks battle will:

  • Receive 3 months of Reddit Gold, courtesy of the admins.

  • Get to choose next week's stock image.

  • Get a number added to their contributor flair.

If this is your first win, your standard flair will be replaced by this winners' flair. On your second win, you'll get this winners' flair, etc.

  • Get to keep the trophy for a week, after which it's handed on to the next winner.

(more information on flair here)


###The Rules

  • Submit your entry as a comment to this thread.

You can post as many as you want.

  • To vote for an entry, just upvote the users comment.

You can vote for as many different entries as you want, but please do not downvote. Downvotes will not be counted when deciding winners.

These will be handed out by a bot, but due to our comment hiding system, sometimes it misses people. If you entered but didn't get one, just send the mods a message, and we'll fix you up.

  • Winners can enter Weeklies for which they have submitted the stock image, but they will not be eligible to win.

  • Please be sure to tag NSFW entries appropriately.

If you see anything inappropriate that's not tagged, either report the comment or send a message to the moderators.


###The Schedule

  • All entries will be hidden for the first 48 hours.

  • Voting will open on Tuesday, after which all entries will be visible.

Contest mode will be enabled for another 24 hours. This will sort comments randomly, obscure vote counts, and automatically minimize child comments.

  • Contest mode will be disabled on Wednesday.

From there on out, each comment's vote total will be visible, and entries can be sorted by karma (just like any other Reddit thread).

  • The Battle will end on Saturday, March 11^(th).

Next week's battle will be posted early Sunday morning.


Best of luck, everyone; have fun!



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t1_jbdundh wrote

About the steps of watercolor painting


  1. Make a base

Filters > Camera Raw Filter

*High exposure (bright)

*I want to make it look pale, so the clarity is low

*In order to make the colors sharper, I set the saturation and dehaze to high

Filter > Blur > Blur (Surface) around 10 pixels

Blur (Surface) to remove fine details, and when done, duplicate this layer twice before moving on to the next step


  1. Creating outlines (duplicate layer 1)

Filter > Representation Method > Edge Detection (in Color)

Image > Tonal Correction > Halftone (to black and white)

This layer will be used later, so hide it


  1. Create a watercolor-like texture (duplicate layer 2)

Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur around 15 pixels

Create a new layer > Filter > Draw > Cloud Pattern 1

Set the blending mode of the new layer to "overlay" and place it on top of duplicate layer 2

Group or merge the two layers and set the opacity to "50%"

Merge grouped (or merged) layer with base layer > Filter > Filter Gallery > Artistic > Watercolor


  1. Finish

Filter > Blur > Blur (Surface) around 10 pixels

Filter > Camera Raw Filter (strong highlights)

Make this layer a duplicate (duplicate layer 3)

Duplicate Layer 3 > Filter > Blur > Blur (Gaussian) about 30 pixels

Set the blending mode of the duplicate layer 3 to "Screen", set the opacity to "30%", and place it above the original layer

Set the blending mode of the hidden outline layer to "multiply" and the opacity to "20%"


  1. Final step

Merge layers other than outlines and erase the edges of each layer

Expand the canvas size, create a margin, and leave the outline outside the painting (image with an unpainted part)

Finally, signature -> done!


t1_jbqf00g wrote

i think I messed up the dates and did the wrong one for the wrong week but i worked really hard on it so pls let me post my creepy kitchen