Submitted by GhostalMedia t3_y58e21 in photoshopbattles
jejcicodjntbyifid3 t1_isk4sd2 wrote
I'm disappointed you didn't turn her hair into the mushroom too
imtougherthanyou t1_iskzmcs wrote
I saw the post and thought, "woman with poof ball mushroom hair with poof ball mushroom".
not2dv8 t1_islw8jg wrote
Right? Why do all of a sudden I want to have some cotton candy?
F-nDiabolical t1_ismkpnn wrote
Pretty sure that's what she's trying to achieve with her mad science.
RNNDOM t1_isj57qu wrote
So unexpected.. and so many layers to this story 🤣
Doctor__Proctor t1_isk1yxb wrote
"Who's gonna believe a talking mushroom? Get a job in a sideshow..."
Bullrawg t1_isjenit wrote
I do not have the ps skills, but someone should do the elden ring envoy crown
Edit: looked up the name of the item
Red-Panda-Bur t1_isjmzg0 wrote
I love this. Can I make a request that you do a grandmother of dragons one too?
[deleted] t1_isj9761 wrote
[deleted] t1_isjli89 wrote
borsalinomonkey t1_iskbk97 wrote
Absolutely brilliant!
deran6ed t1_ism55dd wrote
S. C. I. E. N. C. E.!!!
Vacuophile t1_isjtwy8 wrote
jejcicodjntbyifid3 t1_isk51ke wrote
This is the closest I've seen but I was hoping someone would just replace her hair with the mushroom too
Or make the mushroom into her hair and her hair into the mushroom
I'm not sure which would be better. But her hair has some strong mushroom vibes
LurkerPatrol t1_iska4em wrote
Here you go:
AangAndTheFireLord t1_iskg54i wrote
This is where my mind went when I saw the prompt too. Well done.
jejcicodjntbyifid3 t1_iskfdkw wrote
This is everything, thank you hahaha
myburdentobear t1_iskq058 wrote
Thank you, Mario but the princess is in another castle.
linco95 t1_islezjt wrote
This is what I expected to be the top post. It was still obvious. It's like it's meant to be.
RedEyedRoundEye t1_islk3ak wrote
This is it. This is what i saw in my visions.
budango t1_isl99bv wrote
Amazing, now drop her in the mushroom kingdom
cmband254 t1_islzmr8 wrote
Absolutely exquisite
[deleted] t1_iskarf5 wrote
[deleted] t1_iskdvk9 wrote
[deleted] t1_iskqym0 wrote
[deleted] t1_isl6i1f wrote
UniverseInfinite t1_isld29y wrote
Thanks homie
[deleted] t1_islbkmk wrote
henryfirebrand t1_islsk5l wrote
Came to the comments to find this one. Thank you
OrgyInTheBurnWard t1_isokqr0 wrote
This is all I wanted to see. Thank you.
Kalsypher t1_isk5fcy wrote
No lie first thing I thought when I seen this was "swap head with puffball" and came to comments to see if it was done. I was not disappointed.
Top-Requirement4460 t1_iskeh10 wrote
Yep, this is what I came to the comments to see. Thank you
[deleted] t1_isjwtyn wrote
[deleted] t1_isk17kl wrote
[deleted] t1_ism4ccz wrote
Poetawesomendo t1_isje4qs wrote
linux_n00by t1_isjegyl wrote
Would expect swapping it though
LurkerPatrol t1_iska58n wrote
Here you go:
[deleted] t1_iskml0s wrote
domesticatedprimate t1_isjkpo4 wrote
Please use imgur or similar. This Reddit link sends me on an infinite loop on mobile. I just keep getting redirected to download the official Reddit app, and it I say no, I'm redirected to the top page of Reddit in a browser.
StatusSea5409 t1_ism2i2a wrote
It's in their posts. They post to their profile and link to that. They're bad at reddit but they try
Poetawesomendo t1_isjkyry wrote
I have no idea how to use imgur, I use the mobile Reddit app and it works fine for me.
captain-snackbar t1_isjuw71 wrote
The official Reddit app is hot garbage. Imgur is the canonical way, it’s not that hard to learn how to use it.
StrionicRandom t1_iskck5k wrote
The official app works fine for me. What's better and why?
keralaindia t1_isko7ur wrote
Has great reviews too.
captain-snackbar t1_isks2tq wrote
Apollo all the way. It’s like you’re trudging knee-deep in mud while you could be walking on pavement.
keralaindia t1_isk8pph wrote
What’s wrong with the official app? I love it.
StatusSea5409 t1_ism0vp4 wrote
Nothing. Some people like it, some people are used to old reddit and the app is pure new reddit so no like. Other apps are a bit easier but nothing wrong with liking what you like.
thedemocracyof t1_iskk7qq wrote
I absolutely love how you’re getting downvoted for having a working version of the garbage app
StatusSea5409 t1_ism2aah wrote
It's because they don't won't use imgur. Lol.
You click the link, it takes you to their profile, go to context and you're in a circle, or you just go in a short loop of going to their profile multiple times.
All their photoshops are posts to their account instead of a comment linking to the picture. Reddits app doesn't allow that.
Poetawesomendo t1_iskkeht wrote
Isn’t it great.
TheRealEthaninja t1_islty7b wrote
Aaaand downvoted. Why? I dunno, reddit reasons
Fyi i upvoted you because f the the system \m/
blindmender t1_isjhcz9 wrote
This is exactly what I would have done to it
epicwinguy101 t1_isjk72l wrote
This is like when Toad hands Mario a mushroom.
microbicsloth t1_ism3uwa wrote
[deleted] t1_iske27f wrote
DudeTowerGaming t1_isjdole wrote
Jimbo-Slice925 t1_isje7ok wrote
Haha! I came for the mushroom/hair swap but I’m loving this.
chris463646 t1_iskdyet wrote
Mamma Mia!
cactusplants t1_islc7d7 wrote
atkearns t1_ism2ijh wrote
Yes, my thoughts exactly
littlebiggtoe t1_ism9ql6 wrote
This is the one I came for. So perfectly reddit to swap things like this. It had to be done.
gggempire t1_ism9b6p wrote
I would be severely dissapointed is someone didn't do this lol
platonicnut t1_ism9zuk wrote
I love you
DrSeuss_OBGYN t1_ismvgek wrote
I'm so glad I didn't have to click more than once to find this. Got what I came for the upvote is yours.
[deleted] t1_ism0jh0 wrote
[deleted] t1_ism0vmi wrote
notrubraw t1_isjww43 wrote
thegoodtimelord t1_islma36 wrote
Creepy af. This one.
[deleted] t1_iskcp0j wrote
[deleted] t1_islbcm4 wrote
ene_due_rabe t1_isjx4dd wrote
patchesthedrow t1_iskzjm2 wrote
Surprised I'm not seeing anything Metroid. She's basically poised for it.
[deleted] t1_isk2s2l wrote
thebestguac t1_isksavm wrote
I'm so very sorry (NSFW)
StatusSea5409 t1_ism2rvu wrote
Woah. Those pants hide some great legs
[deleted] t1_isle2r1 wrote
MathematicianOld1117 t1_isk7xtc wrote
Spivey sense is tingling.
Turbulent_Tacostand t1_isk8vlx wrote
sphle t1_islgtc3 wrote
BrTalip t1_islzcuz wrote
microbicsloth t1_ism3nrx wrote
It's-a me, grandma!!
AutoModerator t1_isic5ey wrote
Our 'Best of 2021' results are now live!
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[deleted] t1_isic6qv wrote
[deleted] t1_isic7f5 wrote
[deleted] t1_isicesk wrote
ApiContraption t1_isicet6 wrote
Please post any comments that are not a photoshop as a reply to this comment and leave the top of the thread for original content.
I, Bot, removed my first comment to keep this nest at the bottom of the page.
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kushbluntlifted t1_isighk8 wrote
somebody please swap the mushroom and her head
unscannabledoot t1_isiixpa wrote
thegoodtimelord t1_isijew2 wrote
You knew it had to be done. Nice.
thanyou t1_isisz90 wrote
That's the end of the thread lol.
TheCaptNoname t1_isinpqd wrote
That's a lot of wool from a single truffle palm.
1bohan t1_isitvwb wrote
The q tip.
[deleted] t1_isijk7e wrote
NothingGlossy t1_isjvaxu wrote
Finally! Thank you.
BudoftheBeat t1_isk96yn wrote
I scrolled way too long to find this one
zobotrombie t1_isiyo04 wrote
Saying what we’re all thinking.🍻
[deleted] t1_isiif6e wrote
[deleted] t1_isir916 wrote
Cmaclia t1_isk187h wrote
I think there is a missed opportunity to use SpaceBalls The Photo Shop on this PSB!
Caterpillarx1 t1_isin0jo wrote
Tasty puffball!!
kylelot t1_iskgj5y wrote
That puff ball looks a lot like a cow patty…
bossy909 t1_iskrd0z wrote
... she is also holding a Mushroom.
SK1D_M4RK t1_ismun7m wrote
When owners start to look like thier pets.
[deleted] t1_isj0yy2 wrote
[deleted] t1_isj4apr wrote
[deleted] t1_isj5kp9 wrote
[deleted] t1_isj64s2 wrote
[deleted] t1_isj6cc4 wrote
[deleted] t1_isj6stx wrote
[deleted] t1_isj7odc wrote
[deleted] t1_isj8kei wrote
[deleted] t1_isj915e wrote
[deleted] t1_isjdvgi wrote
[deleted] t1_isjelee wrote
[deleted] t1_isjfpvn wrote
[deleted] t1_isjg14n wrote
[deleted] t1_isjgwgn wrote
[deleted] t1_isjionp wrote
[deleted] t1_isjlyme wrote
[deleted] t1_isjokze wrote
[deleted] t1_isjprn5 wrote
[deleted] t1_isjr2ms wrote
[deleted] t1_isjsh76 wrote
[deleted] t1_isjtkca wrote
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[deleted] t1_isjxyi5 wrote
[deleted] t1_isjyis1 wrote
[deleted] t1_isk056y wrote
[deleted] t1_isk1f8k wrote
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[deleted] t1_iskamhl wrote
[deleted] t1_iskk67x wrote
[deleted] t1_isknb51 wrote
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[deleted] t1_isks81b wrote
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[deleted] t1_isldret wrote
[deleted] t1_islei4p wrote
[deleted] t1_islemku wrote
[deleted] t1_islgc4i wrote
[deleted] t1_islt8jk wrote
[deleted] t1_islxi51 wrote
[deleted] t1_ism0gkr wrote
[deleted] t1_ism0x55 wrote
[deleted] t1_ism15bn wrote
microbicsloth t1_ism6qgb wrote
Baby made a stinky
[deleted] t1_ismjkbk wrote
[deleted] t1_ismr9oc wrote
[deleted] t1_ismsr0j wrote
[deleted] t1_ismv93w wrote
[deleted] t1_isn208v wrote
quooklyn t1_isna8kn wrote
Background_Duck69 t1_isogkzo wrote I couldn't help myself...
[deleted] t1_isp0obp wrote
Maymayfish t1_isixs0z wrote