Submitted by WoahThankYouStranger t3_z7z9qi in pics
WoahThankYouStranger OP t1_iy8w59k wrote
lots of people that go there say that, i did too lol
Least_or_Greatest1 t1_iy8ww95 wrote
Looks like where the hunch back of notre dame lives..
Embarrassed_Paint156 t1_iy8yhdn wrote
This looks oddly sinister. I like it.
Silentlaughter84 t1_iy905b4 wrote
This is a good picture. It has a spooky vibe to it.
old_and_weathered t1_iy9yswb wrote
Looks like an opening scene in AHS
thescrounger t1_iya0zdl wrote
Major vibes of The Exorcist
Expensive-Track4002 t1_iya50or wrote
Where’s Freddy?
Couldbehuman t1_iyawea5 wrote
Shouldn't you have posted this in r/oldschoolcool then?
WoahThankYouStranger OP t1_iycgpqg wrote
i took this photo yesterday 😂
Kylestyle1121 t1_iycrz48 wrote
Dudes living in Gotham City
TheInfinitePlaylist t1_iy8vyvy wrote
Did you go to Hogwarts?