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69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jcfqrf0 wrote

You are supposed to look at the permalinked post from reddit user chuckie512 that explains exactly what part of that publication says cyclists can filter.
I'm starting to think that you made this post because you were mad that you were delayed 18 seconds by a cyclist today and you're just playing dumb.


TonyUncleJohnny412 OP t1_jcfsi8a wrote

“These traffic-jam tactics are reasonably safe, but in some cities, it may not be legal for a bicyclist to pass on the right or ride between lanes of traffic.”

How does this ambiguous manual override a statute from the PA legislature?


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jcfsq28 wrote

Bicycles are not motorcycles, genius. Motorcycle laws don't apply to bicycles. PA statutes that apply to pedalcycles will very specifically say so.

If PennDOT says I can filter, I will filter.
If you've driven over the speed limit today your argument is disingenuous. You don't actually give a fuck about what the law says, you're just mad someone passed you.
Quit acting like your commute is a competition. That sort of behavior gets people killed.


TonyUncleJohnny412 OP t1_jcfusdh wrote

You keep using that word. I don’t think you know what it means.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jcfuwt0 wrote

Just drive safely like you promised you'd do when you got your driver's license and quit whining because someone passed you. You aren't the main character.


TonyUncleJohnny412 OP t1_jcg028f wrote

Never said I wouldn’t drive safely you stupid fuck. Your main character comment is ironic. ✌🏻


chuckie512 t1_jchg8e0 wrote

What Pittsburgh ordinance bans it?

They're just covering their butts in case one of the thousands of townships in this state makes a rule that they can't. Pittsburgh doesn't have one.


TonyUncleJohnny412 OP t1_jcjvffp wrote

That post discusses moving through a “traffic jam.” Doesn’t discuss bikes moving to the front of the line at every intersection like you seem to suggest. Bikes can’t just do whatever they want.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jck6tft wrote

Ah, so you are playing dumb.
Do you really think PennDOT would publish illegal advice in an official publication?


TonyUncleJohnny412 OP t1_jck751d wrote

I’m saying that the section you cite discusses filtering through a “traffic jam,” where cars are “unable to move.” Not sitting at a traffic light.


TonyUncleJohnny412 OP t1_jcmvimo wrote

Don’t worry, I’ll wait.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jcn5ob8 wrote

Do you really think PennDOT would publish illegal advice in an official publication?


TonyUncleJohnny412 OP t1_jcn6h04 wrote

As I said before, nothing in that manual permits what you’re taking about lol


[deleted] t1_jcn9ai4 wrote



TonyUncleJohnny412 OP t1_jcna5og wrote

Bikes are considered vehicles. Are cars allowed to just skip past other cars because they don’t want to wait? People like you are why everyone hates bikers lmao.

“Pennsylvania's Vehicle Code considers "pedalcycles" as vehicles and provides that every person riding a pedalcycle upon a roadway shall be granted all of the rights and responsibilities applicable to a driver of a vehicle, with certain exceptions discussed below.”


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jcnagqj wrote

> Bikes are considered vehicles

Statutes that apply to pedalcycles specifically mention pedalcycles, dingdong.
Click on those words up there and hit control F, and type "pedalcycles" for an example.
I can't believe you're this stupid, so I'm going to assume that you're still mad about being made some cyclist's bitch two days later. Get over it and get a life.


TonyUncleJohnny412 OP t1_jcnb21y wrote

“Get a life” from the dude arguing with people about PA turnpike road tolls 😂😂😭


TonyUncleJohnny412 OP t1_jcnaxck wrote

Funny how you were so adamant that it’s not a “competition” but once you get proven demonstrably wrong that facade completely crumbles lol.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jcnb8lx wrote

Your entire argument rests on the idea that PennDOT is deliberately and willfully telling people to do illegal shit in their manuals.
You have an assumed natural right to move under your own power in western jurisprudence. That which isn't explicitly banned is permitted. The law doesn't need to explicitly say I can filter on a bicycle; if it isn't banned, it's permitted.
You keep pretending to not understand this despite an average twelve year old child in Pennsylvania understanding it.

You're so mad about a bicyclist passing you two days ago that you're pissing your time away today, two days later, arguing about it. Get a life.


TonyUncleJohnny412 OP t1_jcnbqn5 wrote

What part of bikes are vehicles don’t you understand dude? You’re acting like traffic laws don’t exist. I genuinely don’t understand your point. Are bikes vehicles or not?


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jcnbv90 wrote

Do you think PennDOT is intentionally telling bicyclists to break the law in their publications or not?


TonyUncleJohnny412 OP t1_jcnckj7 wrote

Nothing in that publication says you can just go to the front of the line at every light my guy. It says in “traffic jams” you can. Jesus fucking Christ.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jcnd4y7 wrote

The term "traffic jam" has no legal meaning, and the manual offers no definition. The manual is clearly referring to instances where cars are stopped.
I can tell that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about because you don't understand this. Terms like "traffic jam" are defined in a legal context when they're used in legal documents. What you think is a "traffic jam" is irrelevant.

Do you think PennDOT is intentionally telling bicyclists to break the law in their publications or not?


TonyUncleJohnny412 OP t1_jcndu59 wrote

Today I learned that sitting at a red light by myself constitutes a traffic jam. Not gonna keep arguing with someone making clearly bad faith points.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jcnf03v wrote

> Today I learned that sitting at a red light by myself constitutes a traffic jam.

Show me where the state defines what a "traffic jam" is. The definition in your head doesn't count.


Your entire argument rests on the idea that PennDOT is deliberately telling cyclists to break the law in their official publications. That is an absurd assertion to make.


TonyUncleJohnny412 OP t1_jcps3y3 wrote

Love how you say that what I think a traffic jam is is irrelevant, but then go on to define traffic jam in the most absurd manner possible. 😂


chuckie512 t1_jcng5vz wrote

Weird, what's the ordinance that they can't?

Fun fact about our country, you can't be guilty of a crime that doesn't exist.


TonyUncleJohnny412 OP t1_jcngj9j wrote

So bikes aren’t vehicles now? Vehicles don’t have to obey traffic laws? This argument is so dumb.


chuckie512 t1_jcnh7h1 wrote

What's the law that says they can't filter at the light? Because the only one mentioned in this thread is about motorcycles filtering. Penndot actively encourages bikes as a way to get through city traffic.

They're just trying not to get killed by ignorant people like you, who feel that being behind a cyclist for two blocks is such an inconvenience you have to flame them online.

If you're going to say it's against the law as your sole argument why 5 min of your time is worth someone's life, at least post the law.


TonyUncleJohnny412 OP t1_jcnhbj6 wrote

PennDOT says you can do it in a “traffic jam.”


chuckie512 t1_jcnho3j wrote

Post the damn law, since it's your only argument.


TonyUncleJohnny412 OP t1_jcnjeam wrote

Someone else posted it above. Feel free to take a look.


chuckie512 t1_jcnkgd8 wrote

There's no applicable law in this thread.

Sorry 5 minutes of your life can make you this pissed off. Just hope you don't pass me within arms length of your mirror.


TonyUncleJohnny412 OP t1_jcnltzo wrote

Im not mad my friend, just curious as to the reasoning. I’ve never advocated for violence against cyclists or dangerous driving in any of my comments. Just looking for reasoning based on something beyond “we feel like we should be able to do this” and not seeing it.


chuckie512 t1_jcno0wb wrote

You have your reasoning, it's the top comment.

The most dangerous place on the road for a cyclists is the last spot in line at a red light, because drivers are inattentive. Which is why half of collisions in Allegheny county are red-light rear-ends.