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cooldude_4000 OP t1_jdid4d6 wrote

Hard to tell if this is a reasonable ask or not. I'd like to know what "security measures" he's demanding, but it sounds like he just wants to come off like a tough guy.


Vesty t1_jdier2r wrote

Yeah I can’t really think of any significant security differences between what the park does and say the stadiums. If they’ve taken steps to address the fence line I don’t know what else he could be asking for. I can’t help but think this is re-election “tough on crime” grandstanding.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jdig2nz wrote

I think the bigger issue is he's not law enforcement nor is he a legislator, thus he has no authority to make demands. It's one thing if they treated this like a nuisance bar, which we have laws to deal with. But he's looking to sue them for not bending to his will, which is overreaching.


Distinct_Username t1_jdigmo9 wrote

Between this and the other thing, he’s not having a great news day.


throwaway01002030405 t1_jdigu6b wrote

“This is non-negotiable”

As I say in all comments about zappala: Fuck you, Steve.

Safety is important; Kennywood has enacted new safety standards. This is just Steve being a douche.


Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jdij9ba wrote

>Zappala said the iconic West Mifflin amusement park is unsafe and has been uncooperative with his office since a Sept. 24 shooting at the park left three people wounded. No one is charged in connection with the shooting.

so.... uncooperative since Sep 24th but waits until 2 months before the election to call a news conference about it.


Ryan1006 t1_jdikhl7 wrote

Going up against Kennywood isn’t going to win him any votes.


DaKaSigma t1_jdim18z wrote

He’s courting suburban Democrats who think Kennywood is unsafe regardless of security. He’s taking his page from the GOP: scare people about crime to vote for you, bust don’t actually do anything about it.


DIY_Creative t1_jdim1fh wrote

Almost as if an important primary is coming up...hmmmm...

This is overreaching imo. And his delivery and tone is so douchey.


mistergrime t1_jdima3d wrote

You can always tell it’s an election year when you’re hearing from Steve Zappala.


Ceramicrabbit t1_jdiqcbe wrote

Why doesn't he show a similar level of concern for other shootings?


poodog13 t1_jditu2e wrote

Unless they are breaking an actual law, why would he have the authority to prevent them from opening?


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jdityn0 wrote

A North Side nuisance bar was shut down early last year, a South Side one closed late last year when their liquor license got revoked, and there's one in Westmoreland (iirc) that's just been closed down temporarily. Don't mess around with the PLCB/PSP's BLCE.

Regardless of action/inaction, my point was there are laws in place to deal with problematic places, whereas the Kennywood issue appears to be Zappala just having a tantrum because someone didn't do what he wanted. He has no legal authority to just order people around.


WestEndFlasher t1_jdiwbzf wrote

i'll vote for the DA that makes them re-open the logjammer and the old mill.


nsairwinpa t1_jdiwds5 wrote

Yes, let’s target one of the biggest youth employers in the region because some bad youth did something bad. If only there was a way to improve their communities, education and job opportunities that would somehow encourage good behavior.


PersonalAd2039 t1_jdix2ol wrote

Other parks have dealt with this by limiting and significantly increasing prices of season passes. removing local discount tickets(school tickets, Shop n save etc.) and removing food packages.

One of the parks stated they had to increase prices above local day care costs.


js_kwfb t1_jdixd7x wrote

100% a political stunt he's using to make himself try and look good. If he actually cared about safety he would have went to the part five months ago and spent the off season giving reccomendations, not a month before opening. Kennywood already did their part to improve security, why not worry about the SOURCE of the problem, which is all the gangs and hoods in Homestead and West Mifflin? All this is going to do is potentially screw employees like myself out of their paycheck if this goes through. I have coworkers and friends who are saying that if this goes through they're going to have to cancel plans because they won't have the money for it.

Open my park.


Additional_Swan_6531 t1_jdixdx1 wrote

If this is an issue now, why was kennywood still open for the remainder of phantom fright nights and holiday lights, this prick didn’t say anything then.


StarWars_and_SNL t1_jdixnx4 wrote

The park security has definitely decreased in the last few years.

It used to be that all bags had to be checked, etc. The process to get through the gate is a breeze now.

Not that gate security would have done much to prevent last year’s violence.


Vesty t1_jdj1uqn wrote

Because they started using the new style detectors that don’t require bag checks. Disney and other parks also use them these days. Even the Pirates just announced they’re switching to them and don’t require bag checks anymore. Don’t see the DA threatening to shut down the Pirates opener.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jdj9a30 wrote

Well when they're negotiating plea deals left and right, and/or just cutting people loose, I guess they're saving costs on time that would've been spent in court. Then, you have to spend the money or have your budget cut next year.

Only random speculation, and slightly sarcastic


anonymouspoliticker t1_jdja0zs wrote

Just based on the article, it took two months to launch a criminal investigation, conclude a security review, and draw up security recommendations (as the park is actively being used!), then three months for Kennywood to review and implement them in the off-season. Finally, a week to review Kennywood's changes and conclude they are insufficient. What do you think is a reasonable timeline for everything to happen?


JustHereForTheSaul t1_jdjgl0j wrote

>suburban Democrats who think Kennywood is unsafe regardless of security

Is this a real and substantial demographic? It's honestly the first time it's ever occurred to me to think of that as an identifiable group.


LockelyFox t1_jdjgnmp wrote

I recall from when the shooting happened, a bunch of people who worked there said those detectors either didn't work properly or the employees aren't trained to use them.


Current-Pianist1991 t1_jdjiop4 wrote

I mean, both parts are unnecessary for the larger conversation. Going "haha he's copying the GOP" doesn't accomplish or contribute much (and trust me, I can't stand the GOP either). So is the "both sides" argument, and its inherently dismissive, by going "yeah but both sides do it!" Implies that if the original person WAS making a factual statement about the "GOP playbook", that it would be completely acceptable because "hey the other side is doing it too!". Overall very unproductive conversation for everyone involved and poor word choices


AKoolPopTart t1_jdjs9sy wrote

Maybe you should start tackling the gangs and gang violence instead of bickering with an amusement park. Lawful gun owners aren't the ones walking around with illegal full auto switches (which by the way is a federal crime)


Yomama-22 t1_jdjswpl wrote

Its not the venue that’s the problem, it’s the few teenaged bastards that have to ruin it for everyone. If there was a shooting at Walmart the certainly wouldnt put up a fence and have guards and metal detectors at the door. The bigger problem in that area is the goddamn Speedway nearby. At least one accident per week. 4 car crash on Thursday. It’s a hazardous location.


h3mip3nultim4te t1_jdk1ebm wrote

This is bad enough, but he’s using it to hide the story about him directing the office not to make plea deals after he lost the endorsement and before the primary. Fuck this guy completely. Vote for Matt Dugan.


Fooka03 t1_jdk5wvm wrote

Is it too late to run against him? Ffs there's so many things our da should focus on but all he cares about is his fop friends and the tough on crime facade come election year.


VidGamrJ t1_jdk6svb wrote

What kind of world do you live in where everyone has to fit neatly into some little box society has made for them? Is it really so hard to believe that suburban people who vote Democrat are worried about the periodic violence at Kennywood?


Jump_Like_A_Willys t1_jdk7bzs wrote

>”You will do these. It’s not negotiable,” Zappala said at the news conference.

And if they don’t? He’s the DA. He has no power to compel them.

He’ll have a very difficult time making Kennywood’s security response to the shootings into a prosecutable crime.


waitforit55 t1_jdkmqga wrote

Fuck this DA.

"Do this or else..."

They have a right to operate their business.


JustHereForTheSaul t1_jdkoy4k wrote

Not at all; it just hit me weird that he was naming this demographic in the same way a pollster might name "professional women over age 35". I just thought it was an unusual combination of traits to identify a group with. I dunno, looking at it again, maybe it wasn't him, maybe it was me.


jafomofo t1_jdkrmuv wrote

no, kennywood started this mess by doing those season passes so now the park is filled with unsupervised teenagers and its not a place you would actually want to go unless you are a teenager.


Hokiecivil t1_jdl0m6s wrote

This guy is such a douchebag, please vote him out. Kennywood, for crissakes.


the_real_xuth t1_jdl1kkp wrote

This is a really twisted and non-standard usage of "law enforcement". His purpose is to prosecute crimes. No police officer is supposed to answer to him professionally. Quite the contrary, the police are supposed to be independent of the prosecutors and investigate suspected criminal cases without bias while the prosecutor is by definition in an adversarial role. The shitty thing is when police and the DA's office see themselves as partners which is where all kinds of problems crop up.


omgwouldyou t1_jdl3g55 wrote

You seriously don't find it a weeee bit coincidental that this timeline just so happened to lead to the big news grabbing headline of a press conference like 48 hours after his office was busted for playing political games with prosecution decisions?

I mean. Let's flip this around. Is there any particular reason this press conference couldn't have happened next week either?

And finally. He makes official decisions based off politics so god damn regularly that his staff felt comfortable telling a Jude that is what they are doing in some casual side comments. Why should we not assume that this is a political decision as well?


omgwouldyou t1_jdl3on1 wrote

He might think he's doing that, admittedly. But over in the reality the "fuck Kennywood" vote block in the county is really small.

There is no constituency of any size looking for local politicians to shut down Kennywood. Meanwhile, the constituency of people who'd get pissed off is quite real.


omgwouldyou t1_jdl48k3 wrote

I'm also confused why the DAs office would have jurisdiction here.

Their job is to prosecute crime. Is not implementing whatever policy recommendations the DA has for a private business a crime now? Under what grounds is he going to get a court order for closure? The grounds that he just kinda is annoyed at them? I'm seriously at a lost what crime the park could possible be committing.


omgwouldyou t1_jdl4tw5 wrote

Could you cite the law being violated when a private business doesn't implement a policy change the DA of a county recommended to them?

Do you also think that Zappalla could shutdown his local Giant Eagle because they refused to carry his favorite brand of chips after he requested they do so?


anonymouspoliticker t1_jdlhvlb wrote

I don't think you can conclude anything connecting the press conference to events from the last 48 hours without knowing when the press conference was scheduled. Even if you had that info, just knowing that last Saturday was when the County went to the park to review everything really takes the wind out of the sails of any conspiracy...

Why this week instead of next? Kennywood now has 4 weeks to address the remaining concerns instead of 3. And look at the top-level comment, they rouse suspicion for having the conference 2 months before the election- pushing it back a week lends more credence to them!


Amaranthous t1_jdlz2np wrote

Kennywood is ratchet. I won't ever go again


BachataKnight t1_jdm44d0 wrote

I'm confused. Is Kennywood owned by a government? How does anyone believe they have the authority to prevent it from opening when they want to open.


BurghPuppies t1_jdm6gur wrote

Since when does a DA get to dictate what steps a private enterprise MUST take on security? Seems to me like that’s a legislative function or code.


DaKaSigma t1_jdm791t wrote

Absolutely. He also (successfully) pushed the negative story about him from the front page. I doubt anything will come of it. He’d have to prove that Kennywood is a “nuisance,” which would be a heavy lift. But the negatives from them not opening, both for their private owners and the region as a whole (wages, taxes) would be compelling.


IClight69 t1_jdm900w wrote

Yet UPMC don’t pay no taxes…..


omgwouldyou t1_jdmg50o wrote

Alright. So the guy who regularly and routinely orders his staff to make prosecution decisions based around what he thinks will help him politically totally by coincidence happened to have a big news story he thinks will help him politically within 24 hours of being caught up in a major ethics scandal.

And you are sticking to that story.

Alright then. Oh hey. As a side note. I have a great investment opportunity for you. It's this bridge in Brooklyn. Send me a private message and I'll get you a quote. My price is extremely fair for such a great bridge.


RedModsSuck t1_jdmz0lk wrote

Apparently the state and just about every DA disagrees with you. This same statement appears on the website of dozens of DAs in PA:

"The District Attorney, as the chief law enforcement officer of the county, is mandated by law to sign all bills of indictment and conduct in court all criminal and other prosecutions in the name of the Commonwealth."

The only one twisting things is you.