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Early_Platypus_8855 t1_j1qbd35 wrote

Low risk enough to live in one of the largest cities in the country, to travel across the country during one of the busiest travel periods of the year, and to plan a wedding... yet too high risk to go grab an early lunch or dinner and eat it indoors? That doesn't add up.


Dis-Organizer OP t1_j1tgjof wrote

Ah yes how dare immunocompromised people live and remind you of our existence instead of staying completely shut in our houses because people like you gave up on precautions so early we are currently in yet another covid wave with a variant that is more immune-evasive. How dare we plan weddings (where everyone is tested at the door), visit relatives for the holidays (while wearing KN95s, testing before we see each other, and flying ON CHRISTMAS DAY so that the plane would be as empty as possible), how dare we live in a city (lol got me there. I should live somewhere that DOESN’T have two of the dozen or so experts on one of my illnesses). For someone who is so concerned about my and my partner’s mental health, weird that you can’t understand us occasionally taking what sounds like a much lower risk than you take in your daily life to spend time with family and friends