Submitted by enraged_hbo_max_user t3_10mcqqj in pittsburgh

Key word being “initiate”. Not win when defending yourself against them.

A few years ago we were among the many first-time homeowners who have been nailed with the ol “Welcome to the neighborhood, your property tax is now going to be double what it was on all your mortgage docs” that is so common in Allegheny County. We hired a lawyer who seemed to do a good job at the appeal, the assessment settled about halfway between where it was and what we paid.

That lawyer just sent us a letter saying now is a good time for US to appeal and try to get it lowered. I know for a fact that we’re still paying more than double what 90% of the 200-some homes in our plan are despite our houses and land being all pretty much the same, so I’d love to try to get back on even footing.

That said I know the lawyer is getting paid whether we win or lose so of course he wants us to try an appeal. Just curious if anyone has ever initiated and won.



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FruityGeek t1_j62e9z2 wrote

The common level ratio is being lowered. There will be a large amount of homeowners able to lower their property taxes because of it. 2022 assessment appeals are being reopened because of it.

The lawyer reaching out to you can do the math in your circumstance.


Fun-Cranberry-487 t1_j638woo wrote

I'm in a very similar situation . My mortgage went from 630 to 997 a month now . My property taxes doubled because I'm a new homeowner. I didnt appeal the first year they reassessed my home. I'm hoping to also fight this . Im in allegheny valley SD. I just have to locate an attorney


ocdcdo t1_j63dykj wrote

Lots of recommendations for attorneys that do assessment appeals in past threads. Sounds like most do a flat fee of around $1,000.


ShatteredAvenger t1_j645111 wrote

you will likely get calls and letters from attorneys seeking to represent you- doesn't hurt to be proactive in looking for one, but you'll hear from them regardless.


PhotoCropDuster t1_j63rxmi wrote

No. They are one of the notorious ones for fighting. You’re never getting it dismissed but your lawyer may have a shot to get it lowered.


enraged_hbo_max_user OP t1_j641c6l wrote

I’m asking if I should initiate a challenge. I already dealt with them coming after me 3 years ago and my lawyer (the same one telling me to file an appeal now) did get it lowered by about half of what NASD was seeking.

I’m just concerned about either A. getting MY appeal tossed and being out whatever my lawyer charges or B. winning a reduction, but pissing off the NASD lawyer and thus guaranteeing he’s going to appeal again in a year.


Pgh-sports-fan t1_j66b1mr wrote

NA is under investigation today for taxes. Didn't read the full report but...