Submitted by Ar30la t3_11ebh24
Submitted by NorthsideBurghler t3_1275mnk
Submitted by Sock_It_2_Me53 t3_10qihpt
NY Times lists Pittsburgh as having some of the most affordable homes in the country as compared to household income. (
Submitted by Far_Room23 t3_znkupi
Submitted by kniki217 t3_yu7lh8
Submitted by myrichiehaynes t3_106sl79
Submitted by ListofReddit t3_zy6rpa
Submitted by Ordinary_Promise7748 t3_116if6g
Submitted by thanxhaveagood1 t3_z3m4h9
Someone randomly venmoed me $250. The description was “catch this crook”. They commented to refund them. Confused due to scams like this. What do I do?
Submitted by phenry17 t3_ynx0sk
Submitted by ReginaldsMember t3_1273l3o
Submitted by thehofstetter t3_118c9hd
Submitted by nectaris2089 t3_11bt41y
Submitted by mrid82 t3_ye3rez
Submitted by DinoReads t3_10okcad
Submitted by Urbanette t3_yglsb8
Submitted by Pancake108 t3_125nbci
Submitted by Sayakakunze t3_zzag1q
Submitted by CommonTruck t3_ye9wem
Submitted by DarkLuc1d1ty t3_113x6ix
Submitted by Majorkilljoy87 t3_zv2oac
Submitted by MaynardWaltrip t3_zste2a
Submitted by peon2 t3_10p5xyg