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easedownripley t1_j9oxm23 wrote

love 2 live in a place called "College Hill" and then complain about all the college students


DrewCrew62 t1_j9p4ok5 wrote

Who could’ve foreseen this place would be rife with college students?????


easedownripley t1_j9pb86u wrote

A while back I saw a projo article about a lady who was apparently a prisoner in her own home or whatever because of late night noise. She'd bought a condo above a nightclub.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j9pa9ci wrote

one would expect they'd all be washed down to the bottom of the hill with any rainstorm


DrewCrew62 t1_j9pbxjj wrote

Even so, the drains are probably clogged with leaves, so they’ll all just pool at the base of the hill


NickRick t1_j9sfve9 wrote

to be fair the college only went up 1764. It's not like they have had time to adjust.


DrewCrew62 t1_j9ukx8y wrote

Some of these people remember 1636 when things were quiet, before the riff-raff moved in