Submitted by t3_10pwsyz in relationship_advice

Pretty much that. Every time we have an argument on video chat she ends up hanging up on me, often cutting me off mid sentence and it's not like I'm insulting or belittling her. I'm not pretending that I'm always right in the fight but for me this is the difference between fighting to come to a solution vs fighting to be right. I've told her several times now that I find it disrespectful but she doesn't see it that way. What should I do?



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t1_j6mk5l5 wrote

Stop talking to her on video chat. If you’ve told her before that you find it disrespectful and she still does it, that means she doesn’t respect you enough to give a shit.


OP t1_j6ml468 wrote

Not talking on the phone isn't an option, at least not one that I could or would want to uphold


t1_j6mmr24 wrote

Well, then let her disrespect you. You’ve already told her and she continues to do it. Not sure what else to tell you


t1_j6ml7v8 wrote

“Hey, honey, it looks like this conversation is headed toward an argument. We don’t argue well on video chat, so let’s change the topic and discuss this the next time we’re together in person.”

Simply don’t argue with her on video chat anymore. If she insists on continuing the fight, gently disengage and politely end the call the best you can.


t1_j6mmyi1 wrote

If you tell someone that you don’t want to be disrespected and they keep disrespecting you, it’s time to reflect ob what they’re adding to your life that makes up for that sort of behaviour. I know it‘s not easy to act on something like this but at least be aware that this isn’t normal behaviour in an adult relationship. You deserve to be treated better.


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t1_j6mk8xe wrote

Next time you’re having a disagreement, tell her that you’re uncomfortable with how you are treated over video and that you’d be happy to discuss in person, then change the subject.