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westend_colla_poppa t1_jadmf70 wrote

Ahh yes, bradford pear bloom time is upon us. Such a DISTINCT smell.


Xanryuu t1_jad796q wrote

I know this is kind of a plug, but my last post was taken at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden and my wife and I have been going there on the reg for years.


Clean-Independent129 t1_jadejrx wrote

This peach blossom across the street from me has me all swoony, but Church Hill has a nice variety of magnolia, cherry and others. Lewis Ginter is always safe bet, I'm looking forward to finding more and more. Reminder everyone, all those trees looking fluffier than a week or two ago are about to release the great pollening so anti-histamine up.


Danger-Moose t1_jad8rt4 wrote

Browns Island has a bunch of cherry trees.


TheCheeseDevil t1_jadb594 wrote

Presidents Circle at Hollywood Cemetery!


Horror-Fisherman-575 t1_jaemg0y wrote

Maymont, downhill from the mansion and the Italian gardens are my favorite trees, the deciduous star magnolias. So pretty and blooming now!