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fusion260 t1_jeaexnp wrote

If you're a Henrico resident, Henricopolis Soil & Water Conservation team does annual free sapling giveaways of Virginia-native flowering and fruit-bearing trees! All you have to do is show up, show them your ID, and pick out 3-5 saplings to bring home.

They usually hold this in late March or April. I haven't seen an announcement yet on their Facebook page, so I'm guessing this year's giveaway event will be announced soon.


Thanks_Relevant t1_jeap790 wrote

Richmond Tree Stewards does a big giveaway in October:

There’s several others in the fall geared toward native trees where you can get a few for free or very low cost.

The Dept of Forestry also has low cost saplings. (Edited to add link for Va DoF:

I’ve had great luck with Virginia Native Plant Swap on Facebook also. Might be worth asking there as well.


Jinchique t1_jeaej7o wrote


Ms-Pamplemousse t1_jeap7jh wrote

/u/lucasjackson87 If you're ordering a bunch to get past that $100 free shipping (or you almost get there but don't want one more), I could use an eastern redbud so maybe we could work out a coordinated order?


3FoxInATrenchcoat t1_jeapzcq wrote

I ordered some trees and shrubs from them several years ago and the one I let mature for a season in a pot faired way better than the ones I stuck in the ground. Just a tip for anyone looking to do this!


turnipmeatloaf t1_jebbvik wrote

I’ve bought several saplings from them and all were a bust…except for the white dogwood lol. It’s still going strong and I love it


turtle_stank t1_jeaxbtu wrote

A friend who works for Virginia DOF says: "ask your local DOF forester if they have free trees through their warden tree program. They may have dogwood."


McFlare92 t1_jeb7vxs wrote

I have st least 3 flowering dogwoods in my yard. Can they be grown from cuttings? If so you could have some


americanspirit64 t1_jec6hf9 wrote

Grow you own from summer branch cuttings. Use root hormone and put them in super rich soil they will be ready to plant next spring.


WEGCjake t1_jeckf7d wrote

Colesville usually has some 3 gallon this time of year. Prob around 3’ for $30-35


ttd_76 t1_jeb073y wrote

See what's up in Charlottesville. Charlottesville Dogwood Festival/parade is usually in April and C-Ville Dogwood foundation will set up someplace and sell small cheap dogwoods. They're usually like $30 or something like that.


jay_ze t1_jebk2ju wrote

I think there were a few for sale at the Ashland food lion. Maybe 4’ tall and $17.99


Paxvertue t1_jec0ha5 wrote

Just posting to find later ;)