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Turinggirl t1_jdlm2eq wrote

ah yes because having no rules has worked out great in the past. The early 1900s tenement housing was such a high point in our nation.


Tylerjb4 t1_jdlncug wrote

It’s not about outcome. It’s about what’s right.


nilsrva t1_jdm4lj3 wrote

I am actually really curious as to how can ignore the outcome in deciding what is right. I would agree in principle for most things, but this is housing and should be treated like the necessary-to-life thing it is because there are no other alternatives. Unlike say, water, which as a society we generally agree should be as low a cost as possible and come into our HOMES despite there being additional private options. There just are so few public options for housing.

At this point we have a massive chunk of our society who can’t get a seat at the other side of the table in these private deals due to nothing but being born too late. That ain’t right. I am not saying a landlord cant set their rent, but surely you have to see why some kind of protection for the renter should exist in concert with that.

If we depend on the good-will of landlords you make renters the frog and landlords the scorpion. I dont even fault a landlord for raising the rent, its the nature of the game, thats why we need to change the rules.


Tylerjb4 t1_jdn50xq wrote

Housing is “necessary” the same way owning a car is, but it’s also property and it’s scarce/finite. I don’t love the idea of public housing, but that’s a more just solution imo. Or a low income housing tax credit.


nilsrva t1_jdn68rg wrote

Housing is undeniably far more necessary than a car


Tylerjb4 t1_jdoemve wrote

More? Sure. Technically necessary? Not actually.


nilsrva t1_jdoew3b wrote

What the hell is wrong with you? Humans need housing.


Turinggirl t1_jdpdm2b wrote

My man wants to go back to the good ole days...feudalism...oh wait the lords still provided housing for the serfs. You may want to stop kissing your Ayn Rand books every time you go to bed but yeah these takes of yours are ghoulish.


Tylerjb4 t1_jdpdvwz wrote

“ Serfs had more rights than slaves (for example, serfs could own property). However, they were not completely free. They could not move, marry, or leave the manor without the lord’s permission. In most serfdoms, serfs were legally part of the land. If the land was sold, they were sold with it.”

Yes, that’s exactly what I described Mr. strawman


Turinggirl t1_jdpk638 wrote

you really need this don't you? I feel sorry for you.


Tylerjb4 t1_jdplaoj wrote

Ad hominem.


Turinggirl t1_jdptivh wrote

Best of luck to you. I'm sorry and I hope you can see the world in a kinder light.