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ThrowYaBoatt OP t1_iyaky7p wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Forest Hill Sheetz by ThrowYaBoatt

I live in Stratford Hills and also frequent the 7/11 on that corner plenty of times throughout the week.

Im not saying I’m desperate for a sheetz to go in. I’m just wondering why it’s such a big deal.

The stretch of Forest Hill between that intersection and Chippenham has a lot of empty buildings so I don’t get why it’s a big deal that something is getting built there.


UniversityAny755 t1_iyb7mf8 wrote

That 7-11 sucks for gas and I don't ever buy anything there. I'd definitely prefer a Sheetz. Wawa is past where I typically go on Forest Hill (except if I'm out to Trader Joes) and when i have gone there, it's backed up. I waited 30 minutes for air there once. We could use the tax revenue. In so tired of all the same people complaining about changes to the Forest Hill corridor. Except the casino, they were right about that crappy proposal.

What I miss is the old Martin's gas pumps and my fuel perks.