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misfit9999999999999 t1_j1dswkl wrote

"This year, VCU charged students an athletics fee of $1,104, a 19% increase compared with last year."


Charlesinrichmond OP t1_j1dypsd wrote

yeah, I saw that and thought "I sure hope anyone who pays that can use the facilities"


Dramatic_Barracuda55 t1_j1f3ksb wrote


And VCU continues to be one of the most expensive public universities in the Commonwealth.


Mr_Boneman t1_j1dybm4 wrote

Glad to see the indoor courts will get used when the team isn’t using them. Pretty insane we’re the only city our size in the country without one, the home of Arthur Ashe. If i’m a student i’m pissed about them athletic fees though, and I say this as a former student athlete and huge sports fan. The expenses of D1 sports have increased exponentially over the years and most sports don’t generate revenue at the division I level and would be non operational without these fees subsidizing them. The days of VCU, like many things in this city, being affordable are becoming distant memories. It’s insanity that schools charter flights to places like Charlotte or Philly for a basketball game when a bus would get them back in a day, all while charging these fees to students.


PayneTrainSG t1_j1fqw8x wrote

In a perfect world, the city owns and operates high quality public indoor athletic venues. In practice, you have the current facility on the corner of Robin Hood and Arthur Ashe Boulevard that is decades past its sell-by date and not worthy of the name on the building.


Available-Reward-912 t1_j1dw6yo wrote

That athletics fee is pretty much equal to what I paid for a whole semester, in state, when I attended VCU.


ValidGarry t1_j1ffre9 wrote

Giving up that much city land for a privileged few to be able to do sport is a terrible land use. VCU have far too much pull and are wasting city land. That should be generating fat taxes to pay for services.


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_j1fpkdt wrote

Really I just want them to add a public road (at least for bikes and peds) connecting Robin hood road and Sherwood at approximately the middle of the block. It would allow for north-south travel while avoiding Brook and Hermitage.


plummbob t1_j1fy687 wrote

is there a way for students to opt out that sports fee?


GrumpyNewYorker t1_j1ha2lk wrote

You’re a university student. Research it and tell us the answer.