Submitted by t3_zo95y5 in rva

I was coming back from seeing a friend in Hampton and GPS led me over the bridge. I had no idea about this bridge. When I saw the 'James River' sign, I thought it would be a crossing like the concrete one on 288 near Goochland and Powhatan line. Nope. I was driving and went up and up; saw the cables. My body must have knew the difference because I started feeling anxious. It was night time and couldn't see the river or anything but the road, but my body still knew. I am pretty sure if I had actually seen what I was going over and the James River during the day; I am pretty sure I would have had a full panic attack. Got home and google searched because I just had to know what I just had crossed that made me feel so anxious. Yep, that's when I learned about the Varina Enon Bridge. Not doing it again.

I am not new to the area but I don't go out to Henrico County much anymore. I didn't even know this bridge existed. New people to the area (or even people who have been here for years), if you have a fear of big, cable/suspension bridges over water...avoid the Varina Enon Bridge.



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t1_j0llkza wrote

On the other hand, if you love cable stayed bridges high over the river....go on I 295 over the Varina Enon Bridge.


t1_j0ltecd wrote

Question. Is it a fear of heights? Or more of an agoraphobia?


OP t1_j0m7dt4 wrote

I don't even know what it is. I literally didn't even know it was that kind of bridge until I got home and googled it. For me, it was a physical sensation. I couldn't even see the water, how high I was, or anything around me other than the road. But, I can honestly say I cross the 288 concrete bridge near Goochland and Powhatan line and don't feel any sensation. But, this bridge, my body knew something was different about it even if all I saw was the road. I am wondering, if for me, it is more of an altitude sickness. I know I get the same feeling with underwater tunnels though.


t1_j0n157l wrote

I’m the same way. Suspension bridges are scary and so are underwater tunnels. I know I have fear of heights but only on things attached to the ground. Planes and helicopters don’t bother me. I’ve even gone parasailing. Don’t know why that is exactly. Glad you made it home safely!


t1_j0llnjm wrote

Pics for reference:

Varina-Enon Bridge


OP t1_j0loch7 wrote

Very beautiful looking at photos, but causes me a lot of anxiety crossing it. But like another person said, if you are a bridge hunter or like high bridges going over the river...this bridge is for you.


t1_j0mfkg6 wrote

How have I never seen this ?? I'll definitely be checking it out. Would've freaked me out a little too if I had snuck up on it at night, though!


OP t1_j0mh1tl wrote

I didn't even know this existed either until I crossed it and I have lived in the Richmond area for about 6 years. I will say this is in Henrico County near Hopewell. I really have no reason to go out that way. I was just coming home and GPS took me this way. I texted my friend and she was like how did you get here and back before and not know about the bridge. I always took 288 N to Short Pump area (from Midlothian) and got on 295 and then 64 E. The way I usually go and return takes you through Hanover/Mechanicsville area.


t1_j0nfra8 wrote

I crossed this bridge daily for a few months and I always stayed in the inner two lanes. Bridges give me anxiety.

In my hometown in Washington, there's an almost 100 year old bridge that is over 200 feet off of the Columbia River that I had to cross daily for 6 years. I had recurring nightmares about that bridge. Many suicide jumpers off of that bridge as well.

The bridge:


OP t1_j0nggxe wrote

Wow. I looked at the Lewis and Clark bridge pictures. Looking at that gives me anxiety.


t1_j0nfsz3 wrote

Lewis and Clark Bridge (Columbia River)

>The Lewis and Clark Bridge is a cantilever bridge that spans the Columbia River between Longview, Washington, and Rainier, Oregon. At the time of its completion, it had the longest cantilever span in the United States. The bridge was opened on March 29, 1930, as a privately owned bridge named the Longview Bridge. The $5.

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t1_j0nrlvj wrote

Have you ever crossed the Chesapeake Bay Bridge in Maryland (Rt. 301)? Now that is a bridge. Nightmares...


t1_j0q6wdj wrote

that is an awful bridge. But I think Norris over rappahannock might be worse.

Though I once towed a backhoe over the chesapeake bay bridge while the wind was blowing 30 knots sideways. I kind of thought I was going to die


t1_j0rd3xr wrote

Haha, I almost forgot about that one. Ironically enough, my SO's people have a place in White Stone and I admit to maybe saying a prayer or two whenever going over that thing. Beautiful vistas but you can't enjoy them!


t1_j0sfq84 wrote

Like i said elsewhere if you get behind a trailer going 15mph, I'm sorry, but I'm not going any faster!

Definitely a view for passengers not the driver


t1_j0lmak3 wrote

I’ve had to cross this bridge a few times in the past month and two times have been during torrential downpours. Obviously, made it safely across but my HR went up a fair amount. During nice weather and daylight it can be a very pretty view (if you ignore the industrial plant in the near distance)


t1_j0lx3bq wrote

so if that bothers you, you very very much want to avoid the Rappahannock bridge and the 2 chesapeake bridges fyi


t1_j0mcl8f wrote

Ooh, then you really wouldn’t have wanted to be on the Varina-Enon Bridge during the 1993 tornado.

> The tornado moved from Rivers Bend to strike the Varina-Enon Bridge on Interstate-295. The tornado sucked up water from the James River and was described as a rotating wall of water striking the bridge. It knocked over two tractor-trailer trucks on the bridge and flipped over two smaller trucks. Another tractor-trailer truck then collided with the first two. Five people were injured.


t1_j0n7mih wrote

Sadly, there are a lot of suicides off that bridge. 895 too in Chesterfield.


t1_j0phcdg wrote

You think that's bad? You should try the Robert O Norris bridge in Whitestone.

I have river front property in the area and have to drive that bridge regularly. I have fear of heights. When we take the truck with the trailer I have to go the long way via Tappahannock as I just cannot handle the RON bridge. It is terrifying.


t1_j0phdgf wrote

Robert O. Norris Bridge

>The Robert O. Norris Bridge is a truss bridge that spans the Rappahannock River in Virginia, United States and serves as the crossing for State Route 3 over the river between Grey's Point on the Middlesex County side and the town of White Stone in Lancaster County. The span was opened on August 30, 1957, and replaced a ferry service directly West of where the current bridge is located. Commonly known by locals as the White Stone Bridge or Rappahannock River Bridge, this span is a critical crossing between the Lower Middle Peninsula and the Northern Neck as the next closest crossing is over 30 miles (48 km) upstream near Tappahannock.

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t1_j0q77go wrote

can confirm. I pull trailers over the Norris regularly. At 15mph. Sorry if you are behind me, I will not be speeding up.

Really heavy backhoe goes up to tappahannock though, worth the half hour extra.


t1_j0qc9jf wrote

Oh God, I would HATE to be behind you. In my low car I will get about 3-4 CL back from the car in front of me and focus on the license plate, I cant see over the rails, cant see much at all save for a bit of road and the license plate. I make puzzles and word play to busy my mind.

Once on the other end, I relax my death grip on the wheel and carry on.


t1_j0qmgtf wrote

sorry. You would. but given I have like 6" from the rail, 6" from the centerline, and massive windage, my urge to go any faster is really really low...

If there's no one coming at me, which is often the case at night, I'm driving right down the center of that bastard.


t1_j0qtwb4 wrote

I cannot blame you! Pulling our Texas Bragg tandem and we have about 8” on either side. Used to be able to handle it, my nerves are just too shot to deal.


t1_j0p99ic wrote

I grew up in Varina, so I’m very familiar with that bridge. Part of my driver’s ed course was taking 295 over the bridge to Chester and back. I don’t know the last time I drove over it, but I am not a fan.