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NuttingOnNutzy t1_j5gmlpn wrote

Lots of mosquitoes. It’s like living on Guam


wagonboss t1_j5gnfui wrote

Stagnant and low lying water everywhere in the woods. It’s awful in the summer.

I will say, there’s a bunch of single women in their 50s with nothing to do but complain all day near Cherokee. So that’s about the worst of it


Gamegis t1_j5jmq2w wrote

I actually lived in Guam for 1 year…. I did not enjoy it. But it also could have been because I had lived in Richmond for my entire life up until moving 12,000 miles across the world. Humid as fuck there. I will say I don’t recall mosquitos being my biggest worry there. It was the damn large ass toads that littered our yard at night.


kissin_cuzzins t1_j5gn8cj wrote

Overall both are classic neighborhoods in the city that were founded as streetcar suburbs way back when. We’ve been in the area for two years so all this is subject to change, but as it currently stands:

Dislikes: Semmes Ave., varying degrees of walkability throughout both neighborhoods depending on where you’re at, public transit is a little underdeveloped compared to other neighborhoods in the city, car dependent for the most part, no grocery store in the immediate neighborhood(s), people who have something against the southside for no reason

Likes: Bike-able, WPA, Crossroads, Outpost, multiple access points to the James River Park System (trails and river), very easy access to downtown and the Fan (five minutes in a car, 15-20 on bike), quiet/sleepy, residential/friendly, Forest Hill Park, Carter Jones Park, historic feel, preserved houses with a lot of character


Bumbalatti OP t1_j5gno92 wrote

Thanks for that. We took a a drive through and came away with the exact same impressions. Is crime a big concern? Obviously subjective. But I'd like to hear about that.


Asterion7 t1_j5gqckn wrote

Generally just crimes of opportunity. Sheds and alleys and unlocked cars.


kissin_cuzzins t1_j5gqtn8 wrote

We have never had an issue in WH. Some neighbors have had a shed broken into there or a car rummaged through here and there. Normal stuff for a city neighborhood.


Charlesinrichmond t1_j5km9b3 wrote

no. lawnmower might get stolen, but not been an issue that I know of, and I know a lot of people there.

I think some of the people posting are duing the RVA thing of talking down a neighborhood they like for fear demand will rise


ImplementEven1196 t1_j5gl3nh wrote

I’m biased towards WH since I live here ( twice now) and we made a concerted effort to live here again after moving out of state for years. But FH is also nice. Drive around both neighborhoods and check out the houses. Both neighborhoods border FH Park. Both are right on the JRP and all it has to offer. FH is a closer walk to Maymont and beyond. WH is a closer walk to Belle Isle and Browns Island etc.


WontArnett t1_j5gcqv6 wrote

In my experience, each block is different out here, it’s impossible to discern what an area is like without driving up and down the individual streets.


rvahrat29 t1_j5gs5xx wrote

WH is the best living decision I’ve ever made. Amazing neighbors, lightning bugs a plenty in the summer, assorted wildlife and access to the river/Buttermilk, fairly cheap $5-7 Lyft ride to everything downtown. Downsides: jerkbags speeding on Riverside, Semmes, occasional randos breaking into cars, those damn trains slamming into each other almost nightly 🤦🏻‍♀️


Bumbalatti OP t1_j5gtvc6 wrote

Do you get used to the trains, or is it a fatal flaw? Can you sleep?


olliricjo1 t1_j5h0d1o wrote

My first house here had the train right in the backyard. I got used to it and slept fine. Now I live in woodland heights and it’s the absolute best. I love how close and accessible the river and browns island are, but it’s complemented by having a bit more space and neighborhood feel.


funkipus t1_j5i02rq wrote

We moved to Forest Hill a year ago and have really loved it. No regrets at all.

Positives: Amazing parks and trails for walking/jogging/MTB; South of the James Farmers Market; Downtown/Cartytown really aren't that far (though I wish there was a bus went over the Nickel Bridge); some absolute gems for food and drink (Little Nickel, WPA, Laura Lee's, Veil, Crossroads); a bit of funky nightlife in the form of Thirsty's and the Locker Room; really friendly neighbors; generally feels safe aside from a few random incidents.

Negatives: Groceries — it's hard to do proper grocery runs without making an annoying drive (however, The Outpost does a great job of filling small needs and is super walkable for us); Dangerous roads to walk/bike, especially Semmes; the lack of a local hardware store; biking across the river can be a bit tedious, none of the bridges are great for it.


Charlesinrichmond t1_j5kmgy8 wrote

theres NGM market now too


funkipus t1_j5ksd8e wrote

True! I didn't have a great experience the first time I went. I should give them another shot though.


Charlesinrichmond t1_j5l0uff wrote

that I can't speak to. The one's I've been too have been solid, but definite convenience store pricing. Meaning wtf for a half gallon of milk. but I get it.


JosefDerArbeiter t1_j5k66ra wrote

Those neighborhoods are very great. Riverside drive is the greatest road cycling area in the city IMO.


zebra_c4kez t1_j5ps7db wrote

I currently live in WH and previously lived near Jahnke/FH. Been in the area for about 10 years. There's not really anywhere else I'd prefer to live in Richmond. I love it here because it is very chill, great neighbors, close but not too close to downtown and Manchester. Cannot beat the access to the river and several great parks. Fantastic to walk to WPA/Laura Lee's/ Crossroads if you're more east. The western corridor of FH has some phenomenal options too. Both are easily accessible by bike or bus. That being said here's what I'd consider to be the drawbacks, or at least things to consider. Nowhere is perfect for everyone.

Cons Semmes avenue. People drive absolutely fucking insane on that road. Every time I cross it I wonder if today will finally be the day somebody runs me over.

Bridges. RVA low-key hates people who live south of the river. Only a few free places to cross and none of them are that great. Must have and maintain an Ez Pass.

Grocery store? Lack of grocery stores. Hope you like driving miles to a decent grocery store, because your options are severely limited. It's a joke on this sub for a reason. Also not great delivery options. I rarely order it myself, but when I do it is rough.

As others have mentioned, mosquitos are terrible in the summer.

I haven't had any fear about safety. I've had my car rummaged through but it was my fault for leaving it unlocked. Otherwise feel very safe. Neighbors know each other here and watch out for each other. Some gunshots but usually celebratory or people just being idiots. A majority of the violent crime over the past few years has not been random.

If near the train it can be a pain. I used to live right up against the tracks and I got used to the sound but the traffic got annoying around the street crossings. Not a deal breaker, but something to consider.


sleevieb t1_j5hhmtu wrote

Seems chill but wild shit goes down at that family dollar or some really odd shit like the shooting outside the elementary school?!?! And I remember how close it is to south side plaza.

Paying 7 nickels every time you cross the bridge gets old fast too.


funkipus t1_j5i0z53 wrote

Not to throw too much shade but it blows my mind people (like my realtor who literally drives around all day...) live in Richmond without an EZ Pass!


verinthebrown t1_j5hy34z wrote

Dislike: frequently hearing gunshots at night.