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hkspowers t1_j9uy4d6 wrote

I use 3%. And when I have a really bad one, I don't even bother with the q-tip I just straight swish the peroxide in my mouth like mouthwash being careful not to swallow any, then spit and rinse like crazy. It really helps cut down the time of the painful period of the canker sore.


Kriger1102 t1_j9v4fgo wrote

Good to know! There is prescription here in Canada that's called oralcort, is a steroid the helps alot to me. However if this works, then I don't need to get the prescription. Thanks


hkspowers t1_j9v79bp wrote

Best of luck! Hopefully it works as well for you as it does me. One caveat I noticed is that the sooner you treat it the faster it heals. So I usually rinse as soon as I notice a canker sore when it's fresh and small.