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_Atheius_ t1_iydqaj6 wrote

Mother, may I please have some more...

social fluid


FestivelyDepressed t1_iyduabl wrote


Why does the word social fluid gross me out.


Diet_Coke t1_iyduz7q wrote

Sounds like you need to drink some social fluid.


amyts t1_iyehf16 wrote

Social fluid and filter should be changed every 10,000 social interactions.


Abrin36 t1_iyf5q5o wrote

Hold them down. Here comes the airplane! (opens mandibles wide)


ewillyp t1_iyepstb wrote

let's just call it what it is, The Kool-Aid.


TatteredCarcosa t1_iydnt8r wrote

I've always thought ant hives seemed more like the "unit" of ants than individuals did. The way they perform complex behavior via the interaction of very simple elements is broadly similar to how simple neurons can network and perform complex calculations.


davidgstl t1_iyei7xl wrote

I'm sure ants have a better term for it, like "the stuff" or something.


AngerGuides t1_iydfkjn wrote

So, basically, ants are the Bene Gesserit and "social fluid" is spice?


Old_timey_brain t1_iydl8u9 wrote

Makes sense that this would be necessary to achieve and maintain the level of culture and society.


pistonian t1_iye150w wrote

This is like alcohol for introverts: fail to consume some and they may not meet anyone or procreate


Accujack t1_iyeohji wrote

If alcohol was produced from lubricant secreted by humans to assist them in shedding their skins, then sure.


johnnychase t1_iye6vfs wrote

RIP Edward O Wilson. He would have loved this.


[deleted] t1_iye3o6r wrote

I like to think of civilisation as analogous to a ‘social fluid’ that applies to humans.

Civilisations also last many generations, sometimes thousands of years.

People live their lives for and through them, and die for them.

They are an amalgam of religion, politics, science, language, the arts, tradition, and documented and interpreted history.

More complex than some chemical juice, but we aren’t really that different.


SL1MECORE t1_iyeppar wrote

Id rather be born in the goo with thousands of other humans, sounds fun /j


AdvertisingNo1685 t1_iydrtrw wrote

Ahh, it looks like they made a typo. I think they meant Reddit, not ants..


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DHF_Bassist t1_iye2x89 wrote

I was served a burger at McDonald's dripping with social fluid. Not sure it was served in the interest of ensuring social unity, though.