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ElectionOver4Hours t1_j4wq5rr wrote

Interesting study but

  1. it's self-reported. How reliable is that? (Answer: literally not at all)

  2. Regular cola is bad. But it's not really; it's the sugar and fructose syrup (if USA). Maybe they should have checked consumption of other similar sweets.

Not a great study, overall. I'd have gone towards sugar consumption as a risk- but then, I guess it wouldn't have made for a catchy title, so fair enough


dccorona t1_j4x7zae wrote

Yea the focus on cola caught me off guard here. It's not as if the flavoring blend that makes it cola is the culprit here (or at least that sure sounds unlikely), and the last thing you want to do is give people who drink a bunch of mountain dew or sprite or something a false sense of security if the intent is to try and say that people should drink less sugary beverages.


HomicidalChimpanzee t1_j4xnm0w wrote

Coca-Cola is also absolutely loaded with phosphoric acid. It's got a pH almost as low as white vinegar. They put all that acid in it because they have to in order to keep all that sugar (I think it's 42 grams or something per 8 oz) dissolved in solution. I know that sugar is very bad for people, but that is a whole lot of acid to be drinking, isn't it?


myusernamehere1 t1_j4xz0yu wrote

Bad for your teeth maybe, but phosphoric acid isnt unhealthy. I mean stomach acid had a pH of 1.5-2.0; and thats due to the presence hydrochloric acid.


HomicidalChimpanzee t1_j4xzgfu wrote

What I have read is that regular intake of that kind of acidic liquid eventually leaches calcium out of your bones as your body tries to compensate and balance pH. I'm no doctor but I think there's a big difference between the appropriately local low pH of stomach acid and ingesting a pH 3 liquid every day.


dibalh t1_j4yyiza wrote

You should probably re-check your facts. You can dissolve almost 2g of sugar per mL of water. Phosphoric acid has nothing to do with keeping sugar dissolved. The acid is for keeping CO2 dissolved. Which is also how the body is regulates pH, through CO2 and bicarbonate, not calcium.


SerialStateLineXer t1_j54ifch wrote

>it's self-reported. How reliable is that? (Answer: literally not at all

Self-reporting tends to introduce noise into the data set. It's far more likely to mask a real effect than to result in spurious statistical significance.

The bigger issue is that they seem to have done a lot of comparisons with no correction for multiple comparisons. This greatly increases the likelihood of a spurious finding. Although they suggest phosphoric acid as a likely factor because of the lack of association between non-cola soda and pancreatic cancer, this may just be a post-hoc rationalization for a potentially spurious finding.


congenitally_deadpan t1_j4wqyo2 wrote

Interesting findings, but as the authors themselves discuss, the study has some significant limitations relative to the role of diabetes and possibly chronic pancreatitis, for example. So, as the saying goes, more study is needed.

In 1981 there was a highly publicized lead article in the New England Journal of Medicine showing an association between coffee consumption and pancreatic cancer, which, ultimately, could not be replicated. (Reportedly, it turned out the control group had an accidental bias - high rate of peptic ulcer disease and with individuals not drinking coffee for that reason.)


jollytoes t1_j4xy3y5 wrote

I drink exactly one can of Dr.Pepper a day and have been for approx. 6yrs. I’ll keep you posted.


stinkypete0303 t1_j50sxob wrote

Post your weight and bmi


jollytoes t1_j50u14t wrote

5'10, 145lbs. Not sure of my bmi, But I have a six pack stomach and no fat rolls anywhere if that counts for anything.


oniony t1_j4z7lck wrote

It's a good job I only drink large colas.


[deleted] t1_j4xq1ad wrote

Coke is bad for you? What??? Next they will be telling us smoking kills! Don't believe everything you read peeps.


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mightx OP t1_j4wowaj wrote

This study suggests that consuming at least one regular cola per day may be associated with higher odds of PanCa and higher hazard of mortality after PanCa diagnosis. The findings of this study have potential for meaningful public health impact, as PanCa is a deadly malignancy with few established modifiable risk factors and limited treatment options, and cola consumption is a widespread exposure, particularly among Black people, who are also at the greatest risk of PanCa [47,48,49,50,51]


Whitey98 t1_j4yroiy wrote

Thank god I like root beer


Sentfromthefuture t1_j502vyr wrote

My grandmother had at least one coke, one cigarette, and a pack of Lays potato chips nearly everyday since my mom was a kid. She died of pancreatic cancer.


YouAreNotYouYoureMe t1_j51v8sv wrote

I tried really hard to read it myself and find the answer and I think I'm just too dumb or impatient.

They mention artificial sugar aka Diet sodas.

I allow myself one diet soda a day as I 24 hour fast to lower my weight this carrying the same hazard as a regular soda? Is it slightly better but still a hazard? How does that affect artificially sweetened water enhancers like Mio?

(I drink a lot of water all day - the single diet soda and/or Mio water bottle is used as a "snack" for myself in the evening sometimes)