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purepersistence t1_ja12n28 wrote

Yeah by the 2030s we will overhaul the whole concept of economics, property ownership, taxes, etc. Rich people will be absorbed by the singularity and will just have to go with that. Construction and other forms of labor will be done by robot. And so on and so on. Where do people like you come from? You really believe this? Wait around and do nothing. Don’t worry soon you won’t have responsibilities and you’ll live in a AI utopia.

The technology is nowhere that close. But even if it were, people don’t change that fast. The people with the money don’t mind you fantasizing on reddit. But watch yourself.


james_d_rustles t1_ja1d2p8 wrote

Thank you. This is straight sci-fi. We can barely get cars to drive safely on public roads without human intervention, and people think that all construction and logistics will be made redundant in about a decade? We’re nowhere even remotely close to that just in terms of hardware, let alone the insanely complex software that would be necessary to completely replace the skilled labor of architects, engineers, construction workers, etc.

And yeah, looking forward to the day when the richest people on earth throw us a bone, give us some cool VR goggles and 3d printed houses that we didn’t have to work for (because robots took our jobs). Yeah, totally stoked about that, I’m sure that if the billionaires could replace workers with robots they’d be super cool about it, make sure we were all well fed and whatnot in this transitioning period…


EddgeLord666 t1_ja1fsap wrote

I mean it’s their safest bet, the other alternative is we rise up and kill them like the masses did to elites in the past… If they could avert that by giving us free stuff, assuming we wouldn’t have the technology at this point to produce it ourselves, they would be wise to do so.


turnip_burrito t1_ja1u4wb wrote

You think you can take AI-powered robots?


EddgeLord666 t1_ja1uhlh wrote

I don’t think the elite would be capable of taking on the entire rest of the world with any technology. That’s never been the case in all of human history, offensive power has always been distributed one way or another. Even in North Korea Kim Jong Un has to please his military to remain in power. Not to mention the 1% isn’t willing to genocide everyone else, that’s just ridiculous paranoid fearmongering.


turnip_burrito t1_ja1ukzl wrote

If you give them enough time to build up a robot military that's commanded only by them, then they can take on the rest of the world no problem.


EddgeLord666 t1_ja1ylit wrote

That’s not gonna happen, we don’t live in a James Bond movie.


[deleted] t1_ja1yx3r wrote



EddgeLord666 t1_ja1yyj4 wrote

That’s not remotely comparable, you sound like you have TDS.


[deleted] t1_ja1z428 wrote



EddgeLord666 t1_ja1z80g wrote

Trump Derangement Syndrome. It’s the idea that Trump’s presidency was the worst thing that’s ever happened in the world. The reality is he was a bad president but people make it into a way bigger deal than it actually was.


[deleted] t1_ja1zoke wrote



EddgeLord666 t1_ja1zsl8 wrote

There’s no incentive and most rich people are not psychopaths, even if they somehow managed to accumulate all that power with no one else challenging them most of them wouldn’t suddenly decide to become comic book supervillains.


turnip_burrito t1_ja201ac wrote

I hope you're right.

Do you think they will take pity on us and give us stuff for free when we're all unemployed and they automated all of the supply chain?


EddgeLord666 t1_ja205zt wrote

It’s not a matter of taking pity, it will just be the safest option and there won’t really be much of an incentive not to. In the long run they would be forced to give up power though if technology became more decentralized.