Submitted by ndetro t3_xxwe5s in singularity

I’m interested in finding more readily accessible AI to augment aspects of my life. So far I use GPT-3, Midjourney, Dall-e2, and some of my own models.

I’m really interested in real-time voice changing capabilities.



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Zermelane t1_ireaq8f wrote

> I’m really interested in real-time voice changing capabilities. might be the best thing for that in the near future, though I don't know what the author's current plans are for a non-demo release.


Mr_Hu-Man t1_irhzd1j wrote

I heard Disney is using ReSpeecher, would that be a more accessible model in the future do you think?


ZoomedAndDoomed t1_irezkxe wrote you create your own customer characters and then chat with them. The AI is really smart and a good talker


ndetro OP t1_irfbzes wrote

That’s really cool. Looks like they are currently working on their site. Getting 503 service errors.


Evideyear t1_ireiigr wrote

I'll actually ask you a question instead: how did you create your own models? Are there any guides or tutorials you could link me to?