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tedd321 t1_ispgaf7 wrote

you let me know when you see AI being used at your place of work.

Right now, it's all internet sensationalism.


Devanismyname t1_isr4ohz wrote

That isn't an argument against progress being made. Also, being cautious with something that could be as powerful as AI isn't slowing progress in it. Its like claiming that hunting with the safety on is somehow going to stop you from getting a kill.


tedd321 t1_istcz9c wrote

it's like pumping on the breaks in a f1 race because you're a little scared baby.

"Whoa hold on guys, it turns out what we're doing might be dangerous... "

no shit


Devanismyname t1_isud9f3 wrote

Well, real life isn't a video game. There are no do overs. If we create an AI that is capable of destroying life on earth or giving a single corporation/country complete dominance over all of humanity, we don't get any second chances. I'd rather the people in charge of that stuff actually take a second to make sure we are doing things right and safely. And btw, I don't think anyone is actually doing that. We are going full speed ahead into the singularity. Nobody is actually pumping the breaks on this. Governments and corporations are pouring billions of dollars into researching this stuff without a second thought to the consequences. We are making light speed progress with it. Everyday I am reading about new developments in AI and by the looks of things, we will be seeing AGI by the next decade. So I'm not really sure what you're even complaining about, the scenario you're bitching about not happening is actually happening at this very moment. Its just that technology and science don't happen over night. The people inventing it don't just spontaneously program the mystery of consciousness into a computer because they want to. They have figure out how it all works.