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AdditionalPizza t1_j1ip56v wrote

Reply to comment by fortunum in Hype bubble by fortunum

What exactly spurred your post, something specific?


>I was looking for a more low-brow sub than r/machinelearning to talk about philosophical implications of AGI/singularity.

I would say this is a decent place for that. You just circumnavigate the posts/comments you don't feel are worth discussion. I almost never directly discuss about an upcoming singularity. The date we may reach a point of a technological singularity doesn't really matter, you can easily discuss the implications. A lot of people here are optimistic of the outcome, but there's plenty of people that are concerned about it too.

Personally I usually discuss the next few years with job automation because that's more tangible to me right now. The implications of LLM's and possible short-term upcoming advances are alarming enough I don't really even think about more than 10+ years away in AI.