Submitted by [deleted] t3_1105d8b in space

I moved to a rural area, and I am about 20 miles from a class 2 sky. I drove to the state park tonight since it was a clear night and i was in shock. All those stars, everywhere. I cried because I am in my late twenties and have never seen this before. is this normal?



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BrokenSewerDrain t1_j872gvv wrote

Nothing wrong with that. There is beauty in nature. Some people are overwhelmed when they see the ocean in person for the first time.


Hizjyayvu t1_j8a6oen wrote

If you've never seen a clear, dark, stary sky I think being overwhelmed a bit is very natural. It is in a true sense of the word - awesome.


julie78787 t1_j8a7g40 wrote

When I grew up the Milkway wasn't an uncommon sight on a clear dark night.

There was a car dealership a few miles from our house and when they'd have a sale with their stupid search light the stars would get drowned out.

Over the years light from all kinds of wasteful uses became more and more common and the only time I see the Milkyway now is in places like you've described.

Go back again some night when the moon is newer.


jkayne t1_j8a6k9s wrote

I would say it is a normal human reaction, nothing wrong with it at all. More so if you haven't seen something like that in your entire life. The upside is, it sounds like this will never get old for you.


EzualRegor t1_j8a92o2 wrote

Wait until you see the Milky Way.


kittens_go_boom t1_j8ceo9h wrote

I've seen the Milky Way. First saw it when I went to Clearlake camping with my family and our family friends. I looked up and said "what's that glittery stuff in the sky." My cousin replied it was the milky way. I stared at it in awe for a good 10 minutes before a friend snapped me out of it to grab dinner. "Your alien family will be here soon they said." He told me


editproofreadfix t1_j8aekpq wrote

No light pollution in a rural area. Makes a huge difference!

For the next full moon, will you join me in a bit of rural crazy?

I go outside and literally howl at the moon. It refreshes my soul. Besides, the last time I talked with my 90-year-old uncle, he said "Keep doing it, kid. Do it for me." (I'm 59, so being called "kid" is quite a compliment.)


amaze656 t1_j8a8msi wrote

Thats great. Better now than newer. Its great when one is truly inspired by nature.


travellingdaddy270 t1_j8ai30y wrote

Totally normal 🙂 first time I saw a true dark sky I was literally dumbstruck... Just absolutely in awe. So, I'd say you're pretty normal 😉


Ok_Champion6840 t1_j8ajbu1 wrote

Light and noise pollution are definitely major problems for wildlife as well.


Shyriath t1_j8bclbs wrote

I've never gotten to see it like that in person. Even when we go camping in the Appalachians, it's not dark enough - the view is better than at home, but still not impressive. Too close to Cumberland, I think.

I only had an idea of what it should look like because our middle school had a small planetarium in it. One of things they'd show you was the difference light pollution made.


KohathOrteus t1_j8adltd wrote

It is so beautiful, that I agree it's normal. I wonder if Abraham who would have seen them often, but who saw them in a new way when he received the promise, would have cried then too. I'm a bit sad that I live in town now and can't see the stars like when I grew up out of town. Especially now that I have glasses. Enjoy the ride!


nymphetamine06 t1_j8bixtn wrote

In short, i think so. I had a similar experience when i was a teen. Black rock dry lake bed in nevada. I could read by the light from the stars. I think about it still and get emotional


One_Eyed_Salmon t1_j8bjn8g wrote

The universe is vast; human beings are insignificant. You cried because you have begun to see that truth. Let go and get over yourself and you'll achieve the inner peace we all seek. Oh... alcohol helps too.


nixiebunny t1_j8bnd54 wrote

Neil deGrasse Tyson said that a similar experience led him to pursue astronomy as a career.


shredinger137 t1_j8cl0y4 wrote

Not unusual at all, sadly, and many people don't even know they're missing it. I'm glad you have the experience now.

Take this as a call to action. Maintaining and even expanding dark skies is a choice. One that only gets made with the support of people like you who can share things like this.


tohara1995 t1_j8e9mj4 wrote

No! Stars are not normal! Leave the area immediately! /s


CFCYYZ t1_j8pb2ho wrote

You never forget your first time. Stay starstruck!


Eatplaygame t1_j8tpml3 wrote

And now if you haven't read "nightfall" by Isaac Asimov you should go do that. Very short story and you won't regret it.


PandaEven3982 t1_j8bjeb0 wrote

It's still not as good ss it gets, but yeah. Good that you cried. :-)