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__Augustus_ OP t1_jdoth9y wrote

Returning after 3 years. It may not look like it but this is the same telescope from here (and same haircut, lol). Lots of improvements including bigger bearings, new focuser, new truss clamps, a motorized EQ platform for tracking. 14.7" f/2.9 Dobsonian with a quartz mirror made by Steve Dodds. I have since built a number of telescopes up to 24" but this is once again my largest scope and I am beginning work on a 25" f/2.6 along with a 32" f/2.6 and 37" f/3, which I am grinding the mirrors for. I also regularly set up my telescopes for public outreach events including literally on street corners, and I am teaching friends to grind mirrors and make telescopes both locally and over the Internet. This scope has been to dozens of star parties and outreach events and still remains my favorite and it keeps getting better the more I tweak it.

Other than DIY astronomy stuff, I have no background in science or engineering, and I suck at math. Building one of these is not hard and it's a great way to get an affordable, not to mention custom instrument.

As always, if you're interested in buying or making a telescope I recommend /r/atming and /r/telescopes along with You can build or buy a good telescope for as little as $130. The Hadley 114mm telescope is a lovely 3D-printed instrument you can easily make yourself for $150 or less.

Photo taken at the annual Stars Over Sabino event in Tucson, AZ.


Kozzinator t1_jdotzm4 wrote

How much did this bad boy run you though?

I want a great telescope, I've shopped around for a while now but I can't justify spending that much on one.

...and how bad at math we talking here because I failed a year long remedial algebra course haha.


__Augustus_ OP t1_jdoujma wrote

Failed the same course.

This cost a few thousand bucks but you can build a 14" like it for $1500 or less, but I would recommend starting with an 8-10" ($500-$900 new, less if DIY or used). Links have more info and recommendations


thewerdy t1_jdr0hde wrote

I don't know if you're a student at the UA, but the Students for the Development and Exploration of Space (SEDS) club there has (or at least they did when I was a member in 2016) a pretty impressive Dobsonian that has a mirror that was specially built by the Mirror Lab when they were testing out some new manufacturing techniques. I believe they were developing the lightweight honeycomb structures that are now common. It's pretty old and not super fancy, but the mirror itself makes it an interesting piece of astronomy history.


__Augustus_ OP t1_jdth4kf wrote

Never seen it, unfortunately.

I know they are working on thin meniscus mirrors there now, which is what I do for my larger scope projects.


AsstBalrog t1_jdpwct2 wrote

Awesome--this is amazing. Can you take pictures? If so, are there any we can see?


ellie1929 t1_jdotlvw wrote

That's so dang cool, seriously! I can't imagine being able to build something like that..


_themaninacan_ t1_jdt1nha wrote

I assume technological marvel to which you refer is my dude's mf cargo jeans!


IntotheWIldcat t1_jdpnurg wrote

Shoulda known you were a Tucsonan. Gonna go for a job on Kitt peak?


FireblastU t1_jdoxfa4 wrote

Which dwarf planets can you see? My telescope can’t even reach Pluto


__Augustus_ OP t1_jdth7mx wrote

Ceres is easy with binoculars or a small scope. Have also seen Makemake with it. Haumea should be possible. If I live to over 100, Eris will be too when it gets nearer to the Sun again.


FireblastU t1_jdtj2cn wrote

That’s really cool, thanks for teaching an old dog something new.


ParadoxPupcake t1_jdplpwd wrote

Whaaaat, I had just left Sabino Canyon at like 4pm today and saw a bunch of cars with space decals pull in. Just my luck to miss this haha. Now I know what was going on, and I'll plan to attend next year. Super cool stuff, great job, and thanks for sharing!


oohkt t1_jdoxh6x wrote

This is incredibly impressive. You are pretty damn cool.


justelectricboogie t1_jdoxlif wrote

Now this is the coolest story ever. Often wondered about building my own. Intimidating.


aqxea2500 t1_jdq1mgk wrote

When I retire I want to get the biggest obsession telescope, and move to a place with really dark skies.


willardTheMighty t1_jdq4e6j wrote

I’m glad you count other people looking through it as an accomplishment. I and many other people would surely count it as a privilege to look through your telescope!


[deleted] t1_jdoztkg wrote



goddeadis t1_jdphjg8 wrote


PantheismAt3 t1_jdpk9qk wrote

Destined for great things mate, don't forget your potential.


CalvinLawson t1_jdps8k8 wrote

I remember your original post! So glad to see you still doing what you love.


glitchymario t1_jdqq9fs wrote

Congrats on the scope! I love that you take this out to events and show folks what’s right overhead. That sort of citizen astronomy is so important. Kudos to you - awesome job with the build too!


settledownguy t1_jdqulx5 wrote

Think of what discoveries you may make one day! Keep it up.


Cimatron85 t1_jdqybv5 wrote

Tarkov player here. Glad to see you brought you’re secure container!


FolsgaardSE t1_jdri0j2 wrote

Any photos of things you've seen? Congrats sounds like an amazing telescope.


Conscious_Exit_5547 t1_jdqx9zn wrote

Did you ever check out the neighbor girl in her bathroom?


danielravennest t1_jdr976i wrote

Astronomical telescopes are designed to focus at "infinity", since everything is so far away. Also if you are spying, fold up opera glasses or binoculars are less obvious.


Conscious_Exit_5547 t1_jdrafzh wrote

Yet it's plausable that you have a telescope in your window as opposed to opera glasses??


BepiColumbo t1_jdqy9kr wrote

untuck the shirt, keep the hair, keep the pants, white T, get a jacket that ends at the beltline, wear contacts, and enjoy slaying puss
