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AlphaBetaParkingLot t1_iy6o54q wrote

Wait until they find out how much of NASA's budget is spent on Earth Observation used to study climate change!


Callec254 t1_iy6i9dp wrote

As a right-winger, I think NASA is one of the very few things the government spends money on that's actually worth it.


Runnin4Scissors t1_iy69d9i wrote

I mean, we could be spending money on climate change too. 🤷‍♂️


titanicboi1 OP t1_iy69u2q wrote

No, but they wanna defund find NASA to do it


Icy-Conclusion-3500 t1_iy6n1wf wrote

It’s people that see big numbers for NASA projects but have absolutely no idea the scale of the federal budget


Callec254 t1_iy7xyeh wrote

This. The government spends 18 billion dollars a day. That's not an exaggeration I pulled out of thin air, that is the real number. Spending a billion dollars to send a rover to Mars or whatever really is just a drop in the bucket. And I mean, come on, who doesn't love rooting for those plucky little probes?


Icy-Conclusion-3500 t1_iy817fr wrote

It’s also pretty rich that people are getting so uppity on this now, when the US recently passed the largest climate spending package in world history.

Sure we need to do more, but like, c’mon now.


VerinwolfTheThird t1_iy6b47k wrote

What about defunding the US military by like 10-15% and earmarking it for NASA or rolling NASA into the Space Force so they can get more funding through the bloated military budgets?


DNathanHilliard t1_iy6o2pk wrote

Fortunately, nobody that matters listens to those people.


Klutzy-Sun1049 t1_iy6r5c1 wrote

NASA observes Earth to research what happens to Earth... NASA also protects Earth (please research the DART missions, I won't get into them here). The Space Force suggestion is actually a pretty good idea and makes sense, but I'm willing to bet the scientists at NASA might not like having a military agenda... but what do we know, we just live here...


RedshiftWarp t1_iy6v9p0 wrote

Yea its a phenomenon.
People cant wait to bring up something unrelated to a talking point. Its really bad these days because of how much t.v. People watch.

We are natural explorers and communicators and that plays the largest role in this era of information-vomit.

Add in 12 hours of t.v. a day of passive listening and you get what ever message is being paid to the propaganda machine.

This week it seems to be space costs.

Last week it was electric cars. At least for me.


whelanbio t1_iy6vb9d wrote

You went to a place where you know a lot of stupid people hang out and got annoyed that they say stupid stuff there


Affectionate-Ad-9652 t1_iy6gphx wrote

We are spending our money on climate change. Everything we buy makes it worse.
