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dalisair t1_j1svlkj wrote

13,527 people.

FY 2023 Budget: 26.3 BILLION


dalisair t1_j1svsqc wrote

NASA FY 2023 budget: 25.4 Billion.

Personnel: 18,000+


LadyTender t1_j1t14el wrote

While that is an amount of money I genuinely can not fathom, it somehow seems like a drop in the bucket for the budget of something called US Space Force


Justapieceofthe t1_j1ufp61 wrote

It’s a lot of money. Season one was pretty dumb but somewhat funny. Netflix should be able to do something amazing with 26B


Romeo9594 t1_j1vh3u7 wrote

Keep in mind that a lot of the Space Force was consolidated from stuff the Navy and Air Force was already doing. They just took those jobs and placed them under the purview of the newly created Space Force

The Space Force has it's own new initiatives too, but a good chunk of that money was already allocated to projects that were already budgeted for but being operated by the other branches


silverfang789 t1_j1w3n5d wrote

Would Space Force be a shortcut for a regular, out of shape, high school grad to get into space?


NerdFactor3 t1_j1w68nk wrote

Not really. The Space Force won't be sending people into space for decades. For military purposes, uncrewed is the way to go.

Being in the Space Force might help you eventually transfer to NASA's astronaut program, but you'll still need all the regular qualifications of a NASA astronaut.


silverfang789 t1_j1w6gpd wrote

So not fat, out of shapers like myself. Oh, well.


jon110334 t1_j1wba5j wrote

If you watch Gen Saltzman's confirmation hearing, he even backtracked on the... "different health and fitness standards" initiatives.

He basically said that we're small enough that we can look at them on a case by case basis, and he sees no desire to make sweeping changes.


Gumpyyy t1_j1wdwog wrote

I dream of being the fattest person in space someday.

Don’t let the dreams die, bro.


KotzubueSailingClub t1_j1wpe2h wrote

More to the point, in accordance with national policy, NASA is responsible for US government human spaceflight, so no combat boots on the moon.


potaton5 t1_j1wzut9 wrote

This is the saddest thing I’ve read all day