Submitted by t3_zuyrj5 in space

Hello, my friends, mentors, and big aged person. I hope you're all fine and enjoying your free time by yourself. I'm enjoying my holiday also. I'm a high school student and my age is 16. I've decided to spend my free time reading about space. But I can't find any suitable resources or a book for me. Please anyone advises me on which kind of book is best for me about space?



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t1_j1m1pfi wrote

Failure is Not an Option by Gene Kranz or Riding Rockets by Mike Mullane. Both detail a personal history of NASA and inspired me when I was your age.


t1_j1pslwe wrote

Apollo 13 by Jim Lovell and Jeffrey Kluger and The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe were the first books I read about space. They also both have great movies.


t1_j1q1ajd wrote

Carl Sagan did an amazing series called Cosmos all about space, and it is available in book form too.