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okram2k t1_j1gf3xc wrote

This gambling suspension brought to you by Draft Kings!


That_White_Kid95 t1_j1iq74q wrote

And BetMGM use NFLAppeals for a risk free* parlay on same suspension appeals parlays


mosfunky t1_j1g3h6y wrote

Lost track of him after he was on the Cowboys.


LivermoreP1 t1_j1gg520 wrote

TIL Miles Austin is still involved with the NFL


BMonad t1_j1jyhgj wrote

Man that breakout year he had was fun to watch.


GoRangers5 t1_j1g8i6a wrote

If he put money on the Jets he should lose his job for stupidity.


dabking24 t1_j1ggnaf wrote

The article says he didn't bet on any football games, only other sports unrelated to his job. I know reading past the headlines isn't Reddit's strong suit, but come on.


ContextualSquanch t1_j1gmrf5 wrote

It’s a little stupid that you can get suspended even if your gambling on college basketball or something. Doesn’t harm his team at all


spanctimony t1_j1i04lm wrote

The idea is that if you gamble on other sports, you could end up beholden to a bookie, who then uses leverage to get you to share inside information (or worse).


magictie- t1_j1jc1j8 wrote

Ah yes the crooked evil Draft Kings or Penn bookie. Could you imagine having an app use its leverage over you


T-Wrex_13 t1_j1gckkk wrote

With how hard the NFL pushes the advertising for gambling, it was only a matter of time before they had players and coaches who use AND endorse it /s


bigbopperz t1_j1gg95z wrote

More likely to win an appeal over domestic violence than gambling in the nfl


BenRichards79 t1_j1gjwha wrote

lol GriftKings and ScamDuel ruining the NFL, along w shitty officiating


Dontrumpme t1_j1giznj wrote

The NFL doesn’t let coaches or players bet on sports but the SEC allows a market maker to also run a hedge fund. Corruption at our core.


StrngBrew t1_j1ip2l2 wrote

What does one have to do with the other?


KamKorn t1_j1ghwr6 wrote

That’s my boy! Gotta hit him up and ask how he got suspended…. On his day off!


Namgim t1_j1itme4 wrote

Monmouth Legend


DokkanProductions t1_j1gmdu6 wrote

Would explain the Jets suspiciously bad play yesterday?


beeafletcherberry t1_j1i2z9r wrote

He should have gambled on wether or not Kraft was going to do time for fucking a prostitute at the Super Bowl🙄. This league sucks sometimes. GangGreen!💚
