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bga93 t1_j1m5ncq wrote

I mean if we want to act like we don’t know anything about domestic abuse and this is a brand new, never before seen concept that we have to grapple with for the first time.. your point is perfectly reasonable

But thats not the case now is it? Shit doesn’t happen in a vacuum and if you want to say the incredibly low percentage of false accusations somehow gives you pause in evaluating this, I can say the opposite using the exact same stat. Its up to you which side you want to fall on is all


JohnnyFootballStar t1_j1m6gp7 wrote

It’s possible to believe he’s almost certainly guilty while also thinking there should be an investigation before his employment is permanently severed, especially since they have already suspended him without pay. You don’t think that’s the case, I disagree. That’s fine.


bga93 t1_j1m6wud wrote

I would support that concept for victimless crimes like drug use/possession, etc. just not when the the abuser has any position of authority/power to continue their abuse

My apologies if I misunderstood your position then


JohnnyFootballStar t1_j1m7gnv wrote

I think you did misunderstand since in this case the abuser has very much been removed from their position (without pay) until they can figure out what happened, which I support. Have a good one!