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Dudeist-Priest t1_j3jp7e4 wrote

Liam is an all-around great person. I really hope he’s able to beat this.


johnmc76 t1_j3ngnlm wrote

Fortunately Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma tends toe be non fatal, unless left for a very long time [20 years or more]. The only downside to non fatal Cancers like Lymphoma is that they tend to come back [I speak from experience as I've had 3 bouts of Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma]

The Chemotherapy [and/or radiation] treatments will wreck him more than the Cancer will.


Lvwr87 t1_j3ksehi wrote

No fuck man Liam is a great dude. I talked to him when he was in the bull pen when he was in Kaufmann stadium. Really chill dude he got a staff member to get me a icecream cause I accidentally spilt mine into the bull pen…


VividOrganization354 t1_j3mh65d wrote

this killed my friend in a matter of weeks. he never even knew what was wrong with him before he passed.


johnmc76 t1_j3ngsxp wrote

Are you sure it was Non-Hodgekin's Lymphoma? This tends to be non fatal. He must have had it for decades without knowing.


DiamondBurInTheRough t1_j3m8z8q wrote

Wishing him nothing but the best during his treatment. Never heard anyone say a bad thing about him, seems like such an overall good guy.


Fendenburgen t1_j3jrc3h wrote

Wait for r/conspiracy to claim this is because of The Vaccine...


KingAltair2255 t1_j3ll5u3 wrote

I think they’re insane bastards too but mate, not everything needs to be pulled back to conspiracy theories. Some guys got cancer, don’t be a prick.


tbiards t1_j3m15y2 wrote

They’re not being a prick. With everything going on with crazy folk. I wouldn’t be shocked either if I saw someone spin it to that. Example: bob marley died of cancer. There was a conspiracy that he was injected with cancer by the a cia agent to silence him. Reality is that he just got cancer and due to his religion he turned down (potentially life saving) treatment and you can’t inject someone with cancer, but yet people believed it.


undirhald t1_j3m4jhx wrote

That was fast. Double digits already arrived lol.