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the_honeyman OP t1_j87tmmn wrote

Click the link

Edit: Link's broken. Hold on

Edit 2: Link's not broken. Just "open in browser."


Cold417 t1_j88s2hs wrote

That's not evidence.


Ok_Professor2620 t1_j88w1xd wrote

If you need evidence, why don’t you go volunteer with those experiencing houselessness and hear their first hand experiences. Otherwise, shut up. This is been ongoing for weeks, and there has been multiple articles of the police forcibly removing these people from the only “home” they have.


Cold417 t1_j89f8y8 wrote

If it's been going on for weeks, it should be easy to get evidence. I am listening, but I'm not raising my pitchfork without proof.

It seems pretty risky for uniformed officers to bust down a camp and leave it on fire.


fphillips93 t1_j8bbu0h wrote

Isn’t it illegal now for them to just set up camps wherever they want to?


VaderTower t1_j8bdkn8 wrote

Technically it's always been illegal if the landowners have asked them to leave. Simply trespassing.

That being said efforts have ramped up, but I thought it was only focused on enforcement of homeless sleeping/living on public property which doesn't fly anymore.

On one hand, I feel for those displaced and just trying to find somewhere to sleep for the night. On the other if it's my building, property, etc. I don't want people trashing it, making my property into a shanty town. I'm sure this statement will be unpopular, but I truly don't know of anyone offering their backyards up to homeless to camp on. It's easy to say those with a bunch of land shouldn't feel disturbed if homeless camp on one acre. But equally if you feel that way, you shouldn't be annoyed if homeless come and camp in your backyard.

We have systems in place, shelters, food pantries, etc. in place precisely for these people. The problem most of the time is the shelters have strict rules and curfews which don't go well with their lives. Likewise what is really needed is more mental health support.


fphillips93 t1_j8bdspk wrote

I guess I didn’t realize they were on someone’s land, and not the city’s or the state’s.

The shelters around here don’t jive with their lives because they are mostly homeless by choice of drugs/alcohol they refuse to give up.

Your statement may be unpopular to some, but it’s the truth. I have plenty of grass a few homeless could camp on, but doesn’t mean they are welcome. I work waaaaaaaaaay too hard to have the meager shit I do have, to allow someone who does nothing with themself to have free access to it. 🤷🏽‍♂️


notnotpegbundy t1_j89xdah wrote

because they are entitled to someone else’s property? Im genuinely trying to understand how people think socialism could ever actually work.


ghenghis_could t1_j9ohvrs wrote

I don't have the app and it automatically opens in browser....there is no link