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Tiamatium t1_j9u1wtu wrote

Every time chatGPT writes code that doesn't work property I try to remind myself I wouldn't get it correct at first attempt, and frankly, it goes on the right path quicker than I would.

That said, I am still pissed at it.


[deleted] t1_j9u2o6y wrote

the way chatgpt can just spit out code, even when it's wrong the basics are right that would have taken time and effort to write out.

Now all we need to do is fix the broken bit, or if you are lazy tell it which bit is broken and ask it to fix it...


Tiamatium t1_j9u30n1 wrote

I'm more lazy than that, I tell it to write tests first, then code


[deleted] t1_j9u33rk wrote

Not lazy, forward thinking.


[deleted] t1_j9vwyb1 wrote



E_Snap t1_j9wddqd wrote

Well that’s what’s currently happening in the art scene since the advent of stable diffusion. The folks complaining are… how can I put it? Not the most rational bunch. At first, they decided that it was illegal to copy an artist’s style and that was what they took issue with. How ridiculous is that? Those idiots learned their style from somewhere too. But now they just keep moving the goal posts.


[deleted] t1_j9wf9zm wrote



E_Snap t1_j9wgjjz wrote

I’m a working artist— a concert lighting designer, specifically. I don’t flip out when a DJ chooses to use Lightkey to automate what I do for a living instead of choosing my services, and Followspot Operators don’t flip out when I choose to use an automated light with a ground control hand controller instead of their services either. Those aren’t the types of clients either of us would enjoy working for anyway. I am well within my rights to expect the same sort of self-awareness from the rest of the art scene. If they don’t choose to cultivate that self-awareness and learn the new tools, then they most definitely deserve to be called idiots.


rhunter99 t1_j9wyk1t wrote

Maybe we can get Bard to qa chatgpt’s work?


agonypants t1_j9ubr58 wrote

I don't know a whole hell of a lot about coding/scripting, but I was inspired by Tom Scott's recent YouTube video. I took an old batch file I wrote and gave it to ChatGPT to look over. Within a few seconds, it had cut the file size in half, simplified the code and expanded its functionality. It was impressive and the professional coders I told about it were kinda stunned.


lipintravolta t1_j9vq9fg wrote

After his video I have realised that he doesn’t understand that its a LLM.