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mintyfreshismygod t1_j7zmv07 wrote

>>SB 152 would require parents to provide their government-issued ID and physical address in order for their child or teenager to access social media. But even if you like those provisions, this bill would require everyone — including adults — to submit government-issued ID to sign up for a social media account, including not just sites like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok, but also video sharing sites like YouTube, which is commonly used by schools.

How, exactly, will a US state restrict this law to their own borders? They can't.

follow-up story- " Surge in the VPN industry in Utah".


yaosio t1_j80bchh wrote

The law should be unconstitutional as interstate commerce can only be regulated by the federal government. These websites operate out of multiple states and other countries so it's certainly interstate.


steavoh t1_j7zwsuh wrote

So a video on YouTube on how to solve a math problem can’t be viewed by minors but the same video on a blog can?


Newpocky t1_j80k4n8 wrote

God I hate my state.


MotheroftheworldII t1_j82w05z wrote

Welcome to the Utah state legislature. My dear MIL who was born and raised in Utah always said the state legislature was composed of farmers, hicks, and rubes. Clearly we have way too many idiots in the legislature in this state. During every legislative session I am always amazed and how truly stupid so many of the bills presented are. These people have maybe the collective brain power of a box of rocks.